Community rating: ?????
This is BEAST version 8.2.9 on the CyVerse UK hardware (12 cpus, 256 GB per job). It is software for Bayesian analysis of molecular sequences using MCMC. See http://beast.bio.ed.ac.uk/ for more info.
Quick Start
- This is a fairly simple app in terms of inputs and outputs, all it needs is a BEAST batch XML file which contains a sequence alignment and all options necessary for the program. See the example file in the example data. Also see the detailed guide on this file format here: http://beast.bio.ed.ac.uk/tutorial-1
Test Data
Input File(s)
Only one file is necessary, the alignment and option xml file.
Output Files
- beast.err, beast.log, beast.out - standard error, out and log
- filename.log - log file of this run
- filename.ops - cpu operations log of this run
- filename.trees - all trees produced during the run
Other files may appear depending on your model, partitions, options etc...