Rename a file
A terminal workflow step that allows users to rename the output of the previous step in a workflow.
Community rating: ?????
Quick Start
- To use Rename a file, select this app as the terminal step in a workflow you have constructed.
- Resources: this is a script that has been written by the tool integrator.
Test Data
Info |
Use of this application requires building a workflow and adding this application as a terminal step. Details for how to use are described below. |
Example workflow to build:
Select Muscle (Named Outputs), Ninja WF and Rename a file as your apps. Set the input for Ninja to be fasta.aln and select tree.newick as input to Rename a file.
Input File(s)
Use Fruits.txt from the directory Community Data -> iplant_training -> de_walkthrough as sample input.
Parameters Used in App
When the app is run in the Discovery Environment, use the following parameters with the above input file(s) to get the output provided in the next section below.
- Use these parameters within the DE app interface:
- New file name: whatever you'd like to call the file (something that makes sense to you or for your research). For the example output, I entered the name fruit_ninja.newick
- All other parameters as default.
Output File(s)
For this example, expect a newick tree as output, along with the intermediary files from muscle (fasta.aln, phylip_interleaved.aln, phylip_sequential.aln and clustalw.aln). For the test case, the output file you will find in the example_data directory is named fruit_ninja.newick. Files are all located in Community Data -> iplant_training -> de_walkthrough.
Tool Source for App
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