The DE Quick Start tutorial provides an introduction to basic DE functionality and navigation.
Rationale and background:
Ballgown: Ballgown bridges the gap between transcriptome assembly and expression analysis
- A CyVerse account. (Register for an CyVerse account here -
Before using the Ballgown R package, a few preprocessing steps are necessary:
- RNA-Seq reads should be aligned to a reference genome.
- A transcriptome should be assembled, or a reference transcriptome should be downloaded.
- Expression for the features (transcript, exon, and intron junctions) in the transcriptome should be estimated in a Ballgown readable format.
- Two sample pipelines for preprocessing are as follows:
- Pipeline 1: TopHat2 + Stringtie
- Pipeline 2: TopHat2 + Cufflinks + Tablemaker
- Both the above pipelines give Ballgown readable format outputs
- Mandatory arguments
- Directory of ctab files from stringtie output
- design matrix file e.g
ID group reps
IS22330_DS_1_.sorted tol 1
IS22330_DS_2_.sorted tol 2
IS22330_DS_3_.sorted tol 3
IS20351_DS_1_.sorted sen 1
IS20351_DS_2_.sorted sen 2
IS20351_DS_3_.sorted sen 3
covariate of the experiment: covariate of interest e.g case/control, status or time. The name should match the cloumn name in the desgin_matrix file; in this example its "group"
The following test data are provided for testing Ballgown in here -/iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/example_data/Ballgown/Ballgown_condor_app:
Successful execution of the Ballgown will create a directory named output. The directory will contain the following files: