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borderColor | #ccc |
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titleBGColor | #F7D6C1 |
title | Alert: |
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| | The CyVerse App Store is currently being restructured, and apps are being moved to an HPC environment. During this transition, users may occasionally be unable to locate or use apps that are listed in our tutorials. In many cases, these apps can be located by searching them using the search bar at the top of the Apps window in the DE. To increase the chance for search success, try not searching the entire app name and version number but only the portion that refers to the app's function or origin (e.g. 'SOAPdenovo' instead of 'SOAPdenovo-Trans 1.01'). Also, as part of the 2.8 app categorization, a number of apps were deprecated and are no longer available, and there is no longer an Archive category. You can search for a suitable replacement in the List of Applications in this window, or search on an app name or tool used for an app in the Apps window search field. If you need an app reinstated, please contact |
Blastp-2.6.0+ compares an amino acid query sequence against a protein sequence database. The program aligns sequence (input file) on the base prepared by program makeblastdb.
Mandatory arguments
- Inputs: Path to the query file name. Amino acid file in fasta format
- Database: Path to the Database folder prepared by makeblastdb
- Output File Name: The name of the final output file
- e-value:Expect value (E) for saving hits (Default is 10.0)
- Output Format: Format of the output file (Default is "flat query anchored with identities")
- Option1 and Option2 are your favorite additional blastp parameters that you want to specify. For example if you want to keep only one best bit out of several many hits for the same query id then you put -num_alignments 1 in the Option1 box. For more details about Blastp parameters please visit Blast documentation page here
Test Run
All files are located in the Community Data directory of the CyVerse Discovery Environment at the following path: