Below is an example that demonstrates this requirement and process by correctly splitting the file Example.fasta.
In the 4 headers, there are two unique 1-6 field sets:
All subreads corresponding to these headers need to be in their own files, so Example.fasta would be split accordingly:
>m140415_143853_42175_c100635972550000001823121909121417_s1_p0/553/3100_11230 >m140415_143853_42175_c100635972550000001823121909121417_s1_p0/553/15030_17394
>m140415_143853_42175_c324508543089230982134098587348034_s1_p0/553/103_725 >m140415_143853_42175_c324508543089230982134098587348034_s1_p0/553/973_13390
FALCON-formatter takes FASTA/Q files or folders of files as input, converts the FASTQ to FASTA and writes each read to a file corresponding to fields 1 through 6.