This image is intended for creating input files to use in BEAST (using the BEAUti software) or for visualize visualizing and assessing the results of a BEAST analysis. Although you can run BEAST itself in this image, it is not recommended except for very small analyses. The BEAST-2.1.3 application available through the Discovery Environment (DE) or Agave API is much, much faster.
All of the software in this image can easily be installed and run on a personal computer. However, if you want to do large analyses using the iPlant the CyVerse high performance BEAST-2.1.3 application, you will need to have your data on the CyVerse Data Store. Once it is there, you may find it much easier to use this instance for preparing and evaluating your data, because you won't have to worry about it getting out of sync when you upload and download to your desktop. Maintaining all your data files on CyVerse also allows you to share data, analyses, and results with collaborators.