Each app in the DE is built on one tool (executable or binary), but each tool can have more than one app interface. You can create your own app interface, or workflow based on a sequence of different apps, for the tool you want, right within the DE, using the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface. This interface allows you to drag and drop items into the interface. If you're new to this process, you may want to watch the YouTube video, Creating and Modifying Apps: Customizing your tools. All tools are now Dockerized so they run faster and more efficiently in the DE. For instructions on how to do so, see Dockerizing Your Tools for the CyVerse Discovery Environment. For steps on creating a new tool or requesting installation of a new tool, see NEED Step 2: Decide how you want to create the app and open the Create Apps windowBefore you begin, you might want to search the list of available tools to see if the tool (executable or binary) you want to use for your app interface is available in the DE. If the tool or tool version you want to use is not listed, you must first request that the tool be installed. The first step in creating a new app interface for an available tool is deciding which method you want to use to create the interface. There are three ways in which you can create an interface for a tool that is available for use in the DE: To learn how to use each of these methods, see Creating, Copying, and Editing DE Apps. Select the tool and version to use and then enter the app's name and description. For more information, see Selecting the Tool and Naming the App. Step 4: Design the interface for your appThis is the meat and potatoes of creating the app interface. There are a number of different field types you can add to the interface. You can customize field names, specify the number and type of input files, add descriptive text, and much more. As you move through the process, it is a good idea to preview the app and test it out to make sure it's doing what you want to do and looking how you want it to look. Remember to save frequently. Once saved, your app is available in your Apps under development workspace folder, where you can edit it at any time. For more information, see Designing the Interface. Step 5: Test the appOnce you've finished designing and saved the app, it is immediately available in your Apps under development folder. From there, you can test it — see how it works, which fields are required, how it functions — and then edit it some more if you like and try it out on some analyses. In short, this is the time to put yourself in a new user's shoes and make sure your app is useful to users and a good example of your work. Remember: Once you've shared the app, you won't be able to edit the app again; you can edit the user manual at any time. Now's the time to make sure it really works and works well. Step 6: Share your appAfter you're sure the app is the way you want it, you can publish it and create the user manual page to help CyVerse users learn how to use it, or keep it unpublished and share it with selected users. Need assistance?If you have problems or need assistance, you can submit feedback right within the DE. |