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Discovery Environment tools are Docker images from which apps are created. There are numerous tools already available in the DE for new apps you are creating. It's easiest to just use one of those tools. However, sometimes the tool or version isn't available, so you can request installation of a new tool or create a new one yourself. If you create a new tool, it is available by default in your personal Tools list and available only for your use. You can share the tool with specific collaborators, or make it public (all tools created prior to the 2.13 release in June 2017 are public). You can edit and delete a tool you own, as well as jump-start the creation of a new app from the Tools window. Managing ToolsAdding a tool and Requesting a toolSee Adding or Requesting a New Tool. Editing a toolFor tools you created, you can edit the tool name, description, version, and Docker Hub URL. The image name and tag are not editable after the tool has been created.
Deleting a toolYou can delete a tool you created.
Using a tool to create an appOnce you've found the tool to use in an app you want to create, you can "jump-start" the creation of a new app right from the Tools menu.
Sharing toolsOnce you have created a tool, by default, it is private and available only for your personal use. You can share it with selected collaborators or make the tool public (the default for all tools created prior to the 2.13 release). You also can edit and delete a tool you created that is in Own status. Giving Own access allows the collaborator to share, edit, and delete the tool, so grant this permission with care. Before a new app can be created, the tool that app is based on must be made available in the DE. Sharing a tool with a collaborator
Sharing a tool with the public
Unsharing a tool