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Using the Analyses menu

The Analyses menu contains the list of all submitted, running, completed, and failed analyses. You submit the analysis in the Apps window and view the outputs or manage your analyses in the Analyses window.

After an analysis is completed, you can view the outputs of the analysis, the parameters you used to run the analysis, and different log files that provide useful information about the results. You also can troubleshoot a failed analysis from the Analyses window, and view troubleshooting pointers.


Viewing analysis output files (Go to output folder)

  1. In the Analyses window, find the analysis whose results you want to view with the status of Completed.


    You may need to click  or refresh your browser window.

  2. Click the checkbox next to the analysis name, click Analyses, and then click Go to output folder.
    You also can click the name in the Analyses list and view results in the Data window.


Viewing the parameters used for the analysis

After an analysis is completed, you can view the parameters you used to run the analysis. This is useful if you want to confirm or save the settings or files you used for the analysis. You also can view the outputs of the analysis and different log files, which provide useful information about the results.

  1. In the Analyses window, click the checkbox next to the completed analysis, click Analyses, and then click View Parameters.
  2. To save the parameters, click Save As, specify the file name and location, and click OK.


Viewing the status of an analysis and getting help

New for the 2.11 release is the ability to view more information about the status of an analysis that is taking a long time to complete or didn't return the expected output files, and then request help within the DE.

  1. In the Analyses window, click the status of the analysis in the right column:
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  2. View the Help text that is displayed (the current status defines what is displayed).
  3. If you still need help, click I still need help:

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  4. Enter additional comments about the analysis, click the checkbox to agree to share your output files and details with Support staff, and click Submit.
    You will receive a response within 2 work days.


Relaunching an analysis with the same or different settings

You can relaunch an analysis with the same settings used in a previous analysis. This is useful if you want to change some but not all of the settings used for the previous analysis or just want to relaunch the same analysis with the same settings.

  1. In the Analysis window, click the name of the app in the App column for the analysis to rerun. A window opens with the same settings as used in the previous analysis.
  2. Change settings or inputs as needed.
  3. Click Launch Analyses,


    You also can relaunch by clicking the checkbox for the analysis you want to relaunch, clicking the Analyses menu and then clicking Relaunch.


Viewing the Job ID and Type for an analysis

A useful tool for troubleshooting a failed Agave Analysis is sharing the job ID and job type with Support.

  1. In the Analysis window, click the checkbox for the analysis to relaunch.
  2. Click Analyses and then click View Analysis Info.

  3. To copy the Job ID, double-click on the ID and copy the string.


Canceling an executing analysis

You can cancel an analysis that is currently in a status of Submitted, Running, or Idle. This can be useful when an analysis has been running much longer than expected, or you simply want to cancel the analysis, make a change, and resubmit without having to wait for the analysis to complete.

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If the analysis cannot be canceled, please email CyVerse Support with the analysis name so they can terminate the analysis.


Deleting analysis results

As an analysis proceeds, its status is displayed in the Analyses window and Notifications list. Once it has completed its execution, you can delete it.

  1. In the Analyses window, select the checkbox for the completed analysis to delete.
  2. Click Analyses and then click Delete.
  3. Click OK to the warning prompt.

You also can delete analysis results in the Data window by moving the results files to the trash. 

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