Purpose: To solicit feedback from the scientific community about tree visualization, using an ipTOL- designed prototype to stimulate discussion.
Overview Agenda (detailed agenda below)
Day 1
AM 3.5 hours
- 8:30 Introductions 20 minutes
- 8:50 Brief presentation: role and purpose of treeviz group, introduce use cases, agenda and goals of meeting (Karen) -- 20 minutes
- 9:10 Introduce prototype for Big Trees use case (Adam) -- 50 minutes
- 10:00 BREAK 15 minutes
- 10:15 Detailed comments / questions / critiques / suggestions on the prototype -- 45 minutes
- 11:00 Suggestions for extensions and additional features -- 45 minutes
- 11:45 - 1:00 LUNCH
- 2:00 - 3:00 Collate information and draft summary (Karen, Natalie, Bernice)
Detailed Agenda, including discussion topics and issues
Day 1
AM 3.5 hours
- 8:30 Introductions 20 minutes
- 8:50 Brief presentation: role and purpose of treeviz group, introduce use cases, agenda and goals of meeting (Karen) -- 20 minutes
- Focus on building tools to support current and evolving scientific needs-- looking beyond the current horizon
- 9:10 Introduce prototype for Big Trees use case (Adam) -- 50 minutes
- 10:00 BREAK 15 minutes
- 10:15 Detailed comments / questions / critiques / suggestions on the prototype -- 45 minutes
- Layout of branches
- Text and Labeling
- Scalability, fluidity of browsing
- Ease of navigation-- what are the possible navigation paths?
- 11:00 Suggestions for extensions and additional features -- 45 minutes
- User interactions (e.g., collapse, rotate clades, add labels, add annotations, etc)
- Analytical operations
- Additional views of the data (e.g., drill-downs, alternate representations)
- User interface (clear, intuitive, aesthetic design)
- 11:45 - 1:00 LUNCH