- The mock-up to be presented at the 1kp meeting will not be functioning software but a vehicle to solicit ideas, requirements, and design input from the meeting attendees. We would use the information to help us deliver our prototype in early 2010.
- TreeBEST is a possible candidate. It accepts as input aligned sequences and a species tree and produces maximally resolved gene tree. It is distributed as C source code which is appealing for integration.
- Prime-GTR is also to be evaluated.
- See opportunity to start with sequences. Not sure alignment support in TreeBest but we can add that support if needed.
- Cecile - – it would be a good idea to integrate alignment. Value added in comparing reconciliation among gene families.
- Pre-compute alignment stored as HMM. Question whether to use existing database of alignment or do plant wide transcript alignment?
- Discussion of using "canned" data for demo purposes from Plant GDB (http://www.plantgdb.org/)