Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Mandatory arguments



  • scope: Replication scope [chromosome, genome]


  • percentile cutoff: Remove the upper and lower % of the data when using percentile as remove


  • log: Apply log transform to sequenceability ratio


  • aggregate: Replicate agregation method [sum, median, mean, min, max]


  • value: Explicit replication threshold value when using threshold as value


  • classifier: Segmentation classification method [binary, proportion]


  • Plot: Plot Statistics of input coverage histograms and for cubic and derivative interpolation for each chromosome


  • threshold: Replication threshold method [value, auto, percent]


  • percent: Remove the lowest % of signal as noise when using threshold as percent


  • remove: Outlying data to remove [none, sqrtGamma, lognGamma, norm, whiskers, percentile]


  • Haar smoothing level: Haar smoothing level [1,2,3,4,5]


  • Analysis bin size in base pairs: 1000

Test Run

All files are located in the Community Data directory of the CyVerse Discovery Environment at the following path:



Mandatory arguments: 


  • Use  input_ds.txt and folder for files listed on list of bams


  • These alignment files: bams are from maize samples, have been downsampled and do not include biological replicate information hence, this does not represent the full dataset on our initial analyses and provided for testing purposes


  • .

  • Parameters used for test data:

-Haar smoothing level: 3

-Analysis bin size in base pairs: 3000


-Remove: percentile

--plot: yes)

  • -Reference genome in Fasta format


Leave all the values as they are for default settings.
