Viewing Information About Bisque

Viewing information about Bisque

The Help icon at the top right of the screen contains information about BisQue.

  1. If necessary, log in to Bisque.
  2. Click at the top right of the screen:
    • Playlist: View a video overview about Bisque.
    • About Bisque: Information about releases, funding, development team, and alumni.
    • Privacy policy: Information that is collected and how it is used, and whom to contact for questions about privacy policies.
    • Terms of use: Copyright information and citation requirements about public images used on the Bisque website.
    • License: Bisque licensing requirements and information.
    • Usage statistics: Statistics for Bisque usages for image uploads and module executions on a daily and monthly basis.
    • Online Help: Access to the Bisque online tutorials.
    • Bisque project website: Access to the Bisque project website, including information about the Bisque database and other resources, as well as information about research, grants, downloads, Bisque information, outreach and training, events, microscope, and more.
    • Problems with Bisque: Links to the Bisque developers' website, instructions for how to submit a bug or suggestion, and emailing the Bisque project team.
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