Discovery Environment Applications List
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DACE (archived)
demultiplex samples (archived)
de novo construction genetic map (archived)
Detect text file types (archived)
Disparity through Time (archived)
DNAML (archived)
EBI Interproscan (Web Service) (archived)
EBI Interproscan 1.0.1 (Web Service) (archived)
eFP Batch Retrieve (archived)
EMBOSS backtranseq (archived)
EMBOSS Biosed (archived)
EMBOSS Charge (archived)
EMBOSS Checktrans (archived)
EMBOSS Codcmp (archived)
EMBOSS Coderet (archived)
EMBOSS Compseq (archived)
EMBOSS Cpgreport (archived)
EMBOSS Cutseq (archived)
EMBOSS Degapseq (archived)
EMBOSS Descseq (archived)
EMBOSS Dreg (archived)
EMBOSS Einverted (archived)
EMBOSS Equicktandem (archived)
EMBOSS Est2genome (archived)
EMBOSS Etandem (archived)
EMBOSS Extractfeat (archived)
EMBOSS Extractseq (archived)
EMBOSS Fuzznuc (archived)
EMBOSS Fuzzpro (archived)
EMBOSS Fuzztran (archived)
EMBOSS Geecee (archived)
EMBOSS Getorf (archived)
EMBOSS iep (archived)
EMBOSS Maskseq (archived)
EMBOSS Matcher (archived)
EMBOSS Megamerger (archived)
EMBOSS Msbar (archived)
EMBOSS Needle (archived)
EMBOSS Newcpgreport (archived)
EMBOSS Pepstats (archived)
EMBOSS Notseq (archived)
EMBOSS Prettyplot (archived)
EMBOSS Prettyseq (archived)
EMBOSS Revseq (archived)
EMBOSS Showfeat (archived)
EMBOSS Sigcleave (archived)
EMBOSS siRNA (archived)
EMBOSS Sixpack (archived)
EMBOSS Splitter (archived)
EMBOSS Supermatcher (archived)
EMBOSS Tcode (archived)
EMBOSS Textsearch (archived)
EMBOSS Tranalign (archived)
EMBOSS Trimest (archived)
EMBOSS Trimseq (archived)
EMBOSS Vectorstrip (archived)
EMBOSS Wordcount (archived)
EvoFold (archived)
FastLMM (archived)
FASTQ quality filter and trim (archived)
XYPlot 0.0.1 (archived)
TASSEL 4.3.0 (MLM) (archived)
Structure2Tassel 0.0.1 (archived)
NumericalTransform 0.0.1 (archived)
Filter Genotypes v1 (archived)
Find orthogroups by sequence similarity 0.1 (archived)
Find Unique Values (archived)
Forward_Regression-0.0.1 (archived)
GeneMania Query Runner (archived)
Generalized linear regression in R (archived)
GeneMania Query Runner 3.1 (archived)
GLMstructure (archived)
GLM Workflow (archived)
gluH2P (archived)
Homolog Resolution Service (archived)
Infernal Stage 1 (cmbuild) (archived)
Infernal Stage 2 (cmalign) (archived)
Infernal Stage 3 (cmcalibrate) (archived)
Infernal Stage 4 (cmsearch) (archived)
LD_Plot (archived)
Linear regression in R (archived)
Lopper (archived)
Mermasker (archived)
MrBayes 3.2.1 MPI Basic App (archived)
Muscle Named Outputs (archived)
NCBI SRA Toolkit fastq-dump (archived)
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models (archived)
PGDSpider convert data to different population genomics formats (archived)
Phylogenetics Muscle-PhyML (archived)
Picante (archived)
GLM_TASSEL 4.3.1 (archived)
QTLC workflow (archived)
QTLC Workflow2 (archived)
radtag demultiplex samples (archived)
Random Jungle 2.0.0 (archived)
Rename a file (archived)
RAxML - Nucleotides (archived)
RAxML - Proteins (archived)
RNAfold (archived)
samtools_Sam_noheader_2Bam (archived)
SAMTOOLS-0.1.19 SAM-to-BAM-sans-header (archived)
SAMTOOLS-0.1.19 SORT BAM (archived)
SCARF (archived)
Select Markers to Keep v1 (archived)
Qxpak (archived)
SOAP 2.21 (archived)
SOAP2 Aligner for Paired-End Illumina Reads (archived)
SOAP2 Aligner for Single-End Illumina Reads (archived)
Soapdenovo-1.05 (archived)
SOAPdenovo-2 (archived)
SPA-1.0.0-Dev (archived)
structure software (archived)
Structure v. 2.3.3 (archived)
Subset Reference Tree (archived)
Tallymer-mkindex (archived)
Tallymer-occratio (archived)
Tallymer-search (archived)
Tophat-SE (archived)
FastQC 0.10.1
tophat-2.1.1, tophat-2.1.0, and TopHat2-PE (archived)
TopHat Aligner for Single-End Illumina Reads (Custom Genome) (archived)
TopHat Aligner for Single-End Illumina Reads (archived)
TopHat Aligner for Paired-End Illumina Reads (archived)
TopHat Aligner for Paired-End Illumina Reads (Custom Genome) (archived)
TopHat2-SE (archived)
Tophat-SE-PE (archived)
Scythe-adapter-trimming (archived)
MetaGeneMark 2.26.0 (archived)
Discovery Environment Applications List
Deprecated Apps Documentation
Linear regression in R (archived)
Linear regression in R (archived)
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Last updated:
Aug 04, 2016
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