ProgressiveMauve is a multiple whole genome alignment.
progressiveMauve chloroplast_Aethionema_cordifolium.faa chloroplast_Aethionema_grandiflorum.faa chloroplast_Arabidopsis_thaliana.faa > mauve.alignment
Quick Start
- To use ProgressiveMauve, upload your data in fasta format.
- Resources: documentation
Test Data
All files are located in the Community Data directory of the iPlant Discovery Environment at the following path:
Community Data > iplantcollaborative > example_data > progressivemauve
Input File(s)
- Select two or more fasta files for alignment. Must be DNA sequence.
- To generate the example outputs provided, use all 3 files.
- Test files:
Parameters Used in App
- This app has no additional options. The default progressiveMauve options are used.
Output File(s)
- Alignment file will be named mauve.alignment. Additional outputs generated are
- Example alignment file generated use the above example input files: mauve.alignment
- The command-line for generating the output file from the input files is
progressiveMauve chloroplast_Aethionema_cordifolium.faa chloroplast_Aethionema_grandiflorum.faa chloroplast_Arabidopsis_thaliana.faa > mauve.alignment
- Additional outputs include a .sslist file for all fasta files used in alignment, the alignment backbone and a .bbcols file.
Tool Source for App
Name: Mauve
Description: Multiple Genome Sequence Alignment
Version: 2.3.1
User Guide:
Source-code downloaded from: