2013 01 28 HIP Hackathon
Organizers |
Administrative Assistance |
Date |
Jan 28 - Feb 1, 2013 |
Meeting Location |
Tucson, AZ; Keating/BIO5 Rm 103; Breakouts in 433, 409, 107, 109 |
Other Links |
slideshow |
Important Dates |
Invitations Sent: |
Goal of this Hackathon
To take another step toward providing computable, convenient, credible access to the Tree of Life by:
- Providing knowledge of workflows and downstream uses of trees
- Designing user interfaces
- Testing software
- Making screencasts, develop tutorials, and document user experiences
An implicit promise of the Tree of Life project is that, ultimately, expert knowledge of species phylogeny will be accessible and usable by everybody. In other words, we will all be able to get the species trees we need, in a useable form, when we need them. The Phylotastic project aims to make that vision a reality, by developing a loosely coupled system of components that, in response to a user’s query (a list of taxa plus conditions), will rectify names, find suitable source trees, prune and graft to get the right species, estimate branch lengths, and return the results with metadata on sources and methods.
In June 2012, the HIP (Hackathons, Interoperability, Phylogenies) working group of NESCent staged a hackathon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackathon) to prototype components of a Phylotastic system, and implement demos to show their potential. Thanks to 25 participants who responded to an open call (just like this one), that hackathon was an extraordinary success (see http://phylotastic.org/).
Day |
Time |
What |
Room |
Monday, Day 1 |
8:30 AM |
Kickoff |
Keating 103 |
9 - 10 AM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
10 - 12 Noon |
Presentations |
" |
Noon - 1 |
Lunch delivered |
" |
1-4 PM |
Presentations |
" |
4-5 PM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
Tuesday, Day 2 |
8:30 AM |
Work |
Keating 103 |
9 - 10 AM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
10 - 12 Noon |
Work |
" |
Noon - 1 |
Lunch delivered |
" |
1-4 PM |
Work |
" |
4-5 PM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
Wednesday, Day 3 |
8:30 AM |
Work |
Keating 103 |
9 - 10 AM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
10 - 12 Noon |
Work |
" |
Noon - 1 |
Lunch delivered |
" |
1-4 PM |
Work |
" |
4-5 PM |
Webex call with remote participants |
" |
Thursday, Day 4 |
8:30 AM |
Breakout Work as assigned |
Keating 107, 107, 409, 433 |
9 - 10 AM |
Webex call with remote participants |
433 |
10 - 12 Noon |
Breakout Work |
as assigned |
Noon - 1 |
Lunch delivered |
Patio 4th floor |
1-4 PM |
Breakout Work |
103 |
4-5 PM |
Webex call with remote participants |
103 |
Friday, Day 5 |
8:30 AM |
Breakout Work as assigned |
Keating 107, 107, 409, 433 |
9 - 10 AM |
Webex call with remote participants |
433 |
10 - 12 Noon |
Breakout Work |
as assigned |
Noon - 1 |
Lunch delivered |
Patio 4th floor |
1-2 PM |
Breakout Work |
103 |
Webex call with remote participants? |
103 |
Webex Call In Info
AM Sessions (9 AM MST)
Meeting information
Topic: HIP Hackathon (Naim)
Date: Every 1 day, from Monday, January 28, 2013 to Friday, February 1, 2013
Time: 9:00 am, Mountain Time (Arizona, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 623 908 546
Meeting Password: iPC123
To start or join the online meeting
Go to https://iplant.webex.com/iplant/j.php?ED=223005982&UID=485500568&PW=NOWI3YzNiMjc3&RT=MiM1
Audio conference information
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208
Global call-in numbers: https://iplant.webex.com/iplant/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=223005982&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Access code:623 908 546
PM Sessions (4 PM MST)
Meeting information
Topic: HIP Hackathon PM (Naim)
Date: Every 1 day, from Monday, January 28, 2013 to Friday, February 1, 2013
Time: 4:00 pm, Mountain Time (Arizona, GMT-07:00)
Meeting Number: 623 352 361
Meeting Password: iPC123
To start or join the online meeting
Go to https://iplant.webex.com/iplant/j.php?ED=223006402&UID=485500568&PW=NNmQ4MjczMDBh&RT=MiM1
Audio conference information
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208
Global call-in numbers: https://iplant.webex.com/iplant/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=223006402&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Access code:623 352 361
Participant List
Name |
Affiliation |
Flight Info |
Lodging Confirmation No. |
Dietary Restrictions? |
Julie Allen |
juliema@illinois.edu |
University of Illinois |
1/27 arr AA1363 @ 12:40 PM |
24479153 |
X |
Joachim Baran |
joachim.baran@gmail.com |
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research |
1/27 arr AA 1379 @ 9:05 PM |
24477653 |
X-Germany |
Carl Boettiger |
cboettig@gmail.com |
UC Santa Cruz |
Remote |
NA |
N/A |
Scott Chamberlain |
myrmecocystus@gmail.com |
Simon Fraser University |
1/27 arr USAirways 2829 @ 8:37 PM |
24476153 |
Veg |
X |
Karen Cranston |
karen.cranston@nescent.org |
NESCent |
1/26 arr DL 1027 @ 6:47 PM |
24557903 |
Veg |
X |
Mercedes Gosby |
mercedes.gosby@nescent.org |
NESCent |
1/27 arr AA1463 @ 3:50 PM |
24477153 |
X |
Cody Hinchliff |
codiferous@gmail.com |
University of Michigan |
1/27 arr USAIrways 2831 @ 9:49 PM |
24479403 |
X |
Mark Holder |
mtholder@ku.edu |
Remote |
N/A |
N/A |
Daisie Huang |
daisieh@gmail.com |
Univ of British Columbia |
driving from LA |
24475904 |
X |
Gregory Jordan |
gjuggler@gmail.com |
unaffiliated |
1/27 arr DL 1067 @ 1:48 PM |
24475656 |
X-needs sig |
Hilmar Lapp |
hlapp@nescent.org |
NESCent |
1/27 arr AA 1463 @ 3:50 PM |
24476654 |
Veg |
X |
Andrew Lenards |
lenards@iplantcollaborative.org |
iPlant Collaborative |
Local |
N/A |
N/A |
Dan Leehr |
dan.leehr@nescent.org |
NESCent |
1/27 arr AA 1379 @ 9:05 PM |
24478903 |
X |
Naim Matasci |
nmatasci@iplantcollaborative.org |
University of Arizona |
Local |
N/A |
N/A |
Benjamin Morris |
ben@bendmorris.com |
University of North Carolina |
1/27 arr AA 1240 @ 1:15 PM |
24478904 |
X |
Shannon Oliver |
soliver@iplantcollaborative.org |
iPlant Collaborative |
Local |
N/A |
vegan |
N/A |
Brian O'Meara |
bomeara@utk.edu |
Remote |
N/A |
N/A |
Megan Pirrung |
meganap@gmail.com |
Univ of Colorado |
1/27 arr USAirways 2838 @ 6:26 PM |
24477403 |
X |
Enrico Pontelli |
epontell@cs.nmsu.edu |
New Mexico State University |
1/27 arr USAirways 2838 @ 6:26 PM |
24475153 |
X |
Ignacio Quintero |
ignacioquinterom@gmail.com |
Yale University |
1/27 arr DL 1067 @ 1:48 PM |
24478404 |
X |
Mike Rosenberg |
msr@asu.edu |
Arizona State Univ |
driving |
24475403 |
X |
Klaus Schliep |
klaus.schliep@gmail.com |
University of Vigo |
1/26 arr AA 1379 @ 9:05 PM |
24476403 |
X - Germany |
Brian Sidlauskas |
brian.sidlauskas@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon State Univ |
1/27 arr UA 5532, 7:16 PM |
24475653 |
X |
Arlin Stoltzfus |
arlin@umd.edu |
1/27 arr AA 1379, 9:05 PM |
self-funded, |
N/A |
Andrea Thomer |
andrea.thomer@gmail.com |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1/27 arr AA 1363 @ 12:40 PM |
24478653 |
X |
Gaurav Vaidya |
gaurav@ggvaidya.com |
University of Colorado Boulder |
1/27 arr AA 1137 @ 2:15 PM |
24476903 |
X |
Rutger Vos |
rutgeraldo@gmail.com |
1/27 arr UA 4968 @ 7:41 PM |
24475903 |
X-Netherlands |
Ramona Walls |
rwalls@iplantcollaborative.org |
iPlant Collaborative |
Local |
N/A |
N/A |
Mark Westneat |
mwestneat@fieldmuseum.org |
Field Museum |
Remote |
N/A |
N/A |
April Wright |
wright.aprilm@gmail.com |
University of Texas at Austin |
1/27 arr DL 1067 @ 1:48 PM |
24478403 |
Veg |
X |
Derrick Zwickl |
zwickl@email.arizona.edu |
University of Arizona |
Local |
N/A |
N/A |
Travel and Reimbursement Info
Designated Lodging (Prepaid by iPlant) |
Windmill Inn & Suites (confirmed; when checking in tell them you're with iPlant group reservation) |
Ground Transportation |
TUS Airport to Lodging: Please take a taxi from the airport to the Windmill Inn & Suites (reimbursable item with receipt and names of riders). |
Access to Keating-BIO5 Rms |
Upon arrival at Keating-BIO5, Room 103 is right off the Lobby. Lobby is open to the public from 7:30 AM - 5 PM. For access to upper floors (on Days 4 and 5), please call Tina 520-626-0957 or Mary Margaret 520-626-4219 and we'll escort you up |
Meals to be Provided |
Breakfast at hotel, Lunch provided, Dinner on your own |
For info/questions |
Reimbursement of Expenses:
In order for expenses to be prepaid and/or reimbursed by iPlant, please complete this form ASAP and return to Bruce Schumaker at fax 520-626-4824 or via pdf scan to 411@iplantcollaborative.org. Depending on your citizenship status, additional documentation may be requested by iPlant, BioSynC, or NESCent.
Reimburseable expenses include: meals (no alcohol can be reimbursed), ground transportation (taxi, airport parking, local parking), roundtrip economy airfare (purchased min. 21 to 14-day Advanced Purchase by Jan 5, 2013). Lodging will be prepaid by iPlant/NESCent.
All reimburseable expenses must be documented by itemized, original receipts (be sure to get an itemized receipt for meals in addition to the credit card receipt). Please submit original, itemized receipts within 60-days of the meeting; Receipts submitted > 60 days past the event may be subject to income tax withholding by the University of Arizona, per IRS rules.
By February 15, pls submit all original, itemized receipts to: iPlant Collaborative, Attn: Tina, 1657 E Helen St, Tucson, AZ 85721. UA Central Processing takes approximately 6-7 wks to send your reimbursement check to the home address you provided on the Visitor Form.