2017 Events
See Past Events from previous years.
Title | Type | Date(s)(mm/dd/yyyy) | Location | CyVerse Contact | Event Contact | Notes |
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology | Conference | 01/04/2017 to 01/08/2017 | New Orleans, LA | Blake Joyce | Don Mykles, Karen Burnett, David Durica, Jonathon Stillman, Carl Schmidt, Fiona McCarthy | Workshop and booth at SICB |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 01/11/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
XXV International Plant and Animal Genome Meeting (PAG) | Conference | 01/14/2017 to 01/18/2017 | San Diego, CA | Jason Williams | See planned events | |
Get Started with Cyverse | Webinar | 02/08/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
ASPB Phenome | Conference | 02/10/2017 to 02/14/2017 | Tucson, AZ | Blake Joyce | Attendees: Ramona Walls, Blake Joyce, Tyson Swetnam, Upendra Devisetty, Eric Lyons | |
Phenotyping Hackathon | Hackathon | 02/14/2017 to 02/16/2017 | Tucson, AZ | Eric Lyons | Jennifer Clarke (UNL), David LeBauer (NCSA/TERRA), Carolyn Lawrence-Dill (ISU), Argelia Lorence (Ark SU), April Agee Carroll (Purdue U) | Details TBD |
WQ-MAKER: A flexible, scalable genome annotation pipeline on Jetstream cloud | Webinar | 02/24/2017 | Online | Martha Narro | Upendra Devisetty | 26 registrants |
Software/Date Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | 02/24/2017 to 02/25/2017 | University of Arizona | Uwe Hilgert | 112 applicants, 41 participants. Applicant breakdown BIO 29%, MIS 23%, MED 17%, Space 6%, ENGR 5%, and SBS, Optics and GEO each 3% Graduate Students 55%, Staff 15%, Ugraduates 9%, Postdocs 9%, Faculty 7%, Industry & Government 6% | |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 03/08/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
CyVerse UK Workshop | Workshop | 03/20/2017 to 03/21/2017 | University of York. | Jason Williams | See information and agenda here: http://cyverseuk.org/events/cyverse-uk-workshop/ (50) | |
Transcriptomics with Non-Model Organisms | Webinar | 03/24/2017 | Online | Martha Narro | Blake Joyce | 49 registrants, 29 participants |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 04/05/2017 | Online | Jason Wiliams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
AgBioData | Workshop | 04/18/2017 to 04/20/2017 | Salt Lake City | Ramona Walls | Lisa Harper | Attendees: Ramona Walls, Jason Williams, Liya Wang, James Carson Working groups included data access with APIs. Will produce a white paper for USDA and NSF. |
Transcriptomics with Non-Model Organisms (Part 2) | Webinar | 04/28/2017 | Online | Martha Narro | Blake Joyce | 50 registrants, 7 participants |
Open Data Science Conference | Conference | 05/04/2017 to 05/05/2017 | Boston | Kapeel Chougule | Report | |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | 05/10/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Systems Biology Workshop | Conference & Workshop | 05/15/2017 to 05/24/2017 | Melbourne, Australia | Ramona Walls | German Spangenberg | Theoretical and practical workshop organized by AgriBio, Centre for AgriBioscience, La Trobe University. |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | 06/07/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Plant Biology 2017 | Conference | 06/23/2017 to 06/28/2017 | Honolulu, HI | Jason Williams | Annual ASPB Conference. There will be a CyVerse Booth as well as a CyVerse Talk and Bioinformatics Session chaired by J. Williams | |
Genomics Data Carpentry | Workshop | 06/30/2017 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | Jason Williams | Attendees: Jason Williams, Kapeel Chougule 1-day Data Carpentry workshop at CSHL Plant Biology summer course. | |
Tools and Services Workshop | Workshop | 07/06/2017 | Fayetteville, AK | Jason Williams | Douglas Rhoads | 2017 CyVerse Workshop at University of Arkansas |
Genomics Data Carpentry | Workshop | 07/07/2017 to 07/08/2017 | Fayetteville, AK | Jason Williams | Douglas Rhoads | 2017 CyVerse Workshop at University of Arkansas |
Tools and Services/ Genomics in Education Workshop | Workshop | 07/10/2017 to 07/12/2017 | Harrisonburg, VA | Jason Williams | Ray Enke | 2017 CyVerse Workshop at James Madison University |
ANGUS: Analyzing High Throughput Sequencing Data | Workshop | 06/26/2017 to 07/08/2017 | UC Davis | Upendra Devisetty | Titus Brown | No cost to CyVerse. Devisetty will be lead instructor for this 2 week workshop. |
Tools and Services Workshop | Workshop | 06/26/2017 to 06/28/2017 | Jeonju, South Korea | Jawon Song | Tools and Services Workshop at Rural Development Administration | |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | 07/19/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
New and Improved RNA-Seq Workflow | Webinar | 07/21/2017 | Online | Tina Lee | Kapeel Chougule | Materials |
International Botanical Congress | Conference | 07/23/2017 to 07/29/2017 | Schenzhen, China | Ramona Walls | Happens every 6 years. Ramona will be in China anyway, so will present on CyVerse and an ECS project. | |
Ecological Society of America | Conference | 08/06/2017 to 08/11/2017 | Portland, OR | Tyson, Jason | ||
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | 08/09/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
NCBI Hackathon | Hackathon | 08/14/2017 to 08/26/2017 | Bethesda, MD | Jason Williams | Ben Busby (NCBI Outreach Lead) | Jason will participate as a team lead at a hackathon sponsored by NCBI |
JupyterCon | Conference | 08/22/2017 to 08/25/2017 | New York City | Nirav Merchant |
| Attendees: Nirav Merchant, Blake Joyce, Edwin Skidmore, Paul Sarando, Kapeel Chogule |
Software Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | 08/24/2017 to 08/25/2017 | Los Alamos | Jason Williams | Software Carpentry Workshop at LANL | |
Software/Data Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | 08/26/2017 to 08/27/2017 | Tucson, AZ | Uwe Hilgert | 86 participants | |
CyVerse Genomics Data Carpentry and Tools and Services Workshop | Workshop | 08/28/2017 to 08/30/2017 | Las Cruces, NM | Jason Williams | 2017 CyVerse Workshop at New Mexico State University | |
Software Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | 09/09/2017 to 09/10/2017 | Tucson, AZ | Blake Joyce | Robert Henderson | Workshop put on by the HLT and Linguistics department. Designed to be self-sustaining each year from here on out by the HLT/NLP/Linguistics Department. Blake taught two hours of using Atmosphere and Juypter Notebooks. 19 participants |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 09/13/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Focus Forum: Data Store | Webinar | 09/15/2017 | Online | Tina Lee | Nirav Merchant, Ramona Walls | Materials |
Cotton Inc. Cotton Breeders Tour | Symposium | 09/26/2017 | Tucson, AZ | Ramona Walls | Judith Brown | Half day symposium highlighting UA research relevant to cotton breeders. RW presented a CyVerse overview. ~100 attendees |
SACNAS Pre-Conference 2017 | Conference/Workshop | 10/18/2017 | Salt Lake City, UT | Amanda Cooksey | Joslynn Lee (HHMI, CyVerse User) and Rolando Madrid (SACNAS Director of Programs) | Amanda and Joslynn will lead a half-day workshop "Data Platforms for Life Science Researchers" partnering with Galaxy and Software & Data Carpentry. 27 participants for CyVerse and 28 participants for SW-DC. Registration Site and CyVerse Wiki Joslynn gave two SACNAS conference session presenting on CyVerse at the "Resources and Techniques for Training Students in Computational Skills" and "Using Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Data Intensive Research, Collaboration, and Education in Plant Genomics" (~20-25 attendees for each session) |
Sixth Annual Workshop of the Clinical and Translational Science Ontology Group | Conference/workshop | 10/25/2017 to 10/26/2017 | Ann Arbor Michigan | Ramona Walls | Oliver He, Amanda Hicks | Ramona presented 2 talks: MEOWL: Microbial Environments described using OWL (from the iMicrobe project) and Using cyberinfrastructure to make life sciences data FAIR: lessons learned. ~45 participants |
Focus Forum: Leveraging CyVerse for Large-scale Spatial Analysis | Webinar | 10/27/2017 | Online | Tina Lee | Tyson Swetnam | Materials |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 11/15/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Toronto Area Bioinformatics User Group Seminar TorBUG | Seminar | 11/29/2017 | Toronto, CA | Jason Williams | Invited seminar; presented on training efforts in bioinformatics: slides | |
Half-day workshop on Bioinformatics tools for Plant Genomics | Workshop | 11/29/2017 | Cold Spring Harbor | Kapeel Chougule, Liya Wang, Jason Williams | Half-day workshop featuring Gramene, CyVerse, and Apollo at CSHL Plant Genomics/Biotechnology meeting | |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | 12/13/2017 | Online | Jason Williams | Regular monthly webinar for new account holders | |
American Geophysical Union (AGU) | Conference | 12/11/2017 to 12/16/2017 | New Orleans, LA | Tyson Swetnam |