Genomics in Education Workshop at Prairie View A&M
Organizers: |
Jason Williams |
Local Point of Contact: |
Trainers: |
Jason Williams, John Fonner |
Date: |
Sept 26-27, 2013 |
Location: |
Prairie View Texas A&M University |
Section Navigation
Pre-Workshop Homework
Laptop Compatibility
If you are bringing your own laptop:
Most laptops (<5 years old) updated with the latest web browser (we recommend FireFox: ) will have no problem.
Here are some things to check:
- If possible, make sure you have have administrative privileges on your computer (should it become necessary to install or update software during the workshop).
- Ensure that your computer is running a current browser (Mozilla Firefox 13/ Internet Explorer 8 (IE 9 preferred) / Safari 4 or later).
- Be aware, Java 7 has known issues that limit some functionality on DNA Subway. Get Java 6 @ this link:
- If you are a Windows user, ensure that your computer is running Java 6 Update 19 or later by going to and click ‘Do I Have Java?’ Then click ‘Verify Java version’ and install.
- If you are a Mac user, check that your computer has the latest Java installed (probably Java 6) and that it also is enabled. (Check it out at or contact for additional advice).
- To test your Java installation, go to and follow the instructions at that site. The test is successful if an image opens up on your computer that looks like this screenshot: Java Screenshot
Make sure you have a valid iPlant account
- You should be able to log into the DNA subway at:
- If you do not have an iPlant account, please get one at:
Additional Readings and Assignments
- ReviewDNA Subway manual (a printed copy will be presented at the workshop)
- Review DNA Barcoding laboratory (a printed copy will be presented at the workshop)
- Bring a small sample of plant tissue (a leaf/flower/etc.) or collect one on campus before the experiment.
- If you wish to bring sequence data for the DNA barcoding or genome annotation experiments feel free to do so!
- Check out the slides and papers mentioned in the agenda.
Workshop Agenda and Resources
Time |
Topic |
Slides |
Notes/Links |
09:00-09:15 |
Welcome/Logistics |
09:15-10:00 |
Introductions |
10:00-10:15 |
iPlant Collaborative Overview |
10:15-10:30 |
Overview, Workshop Objectives, DNA Subway Tour |
10:30-10:45 |
Break |
10:45-11:15 |
Using DNA Subway to Teach Concepts in Molecular Biology |
11:15-12:00 |
Setting up projects for Annotation - Red Line |
12:00-01:00 |
Lunch |
01:00-01:15 |
DNA Barcoding setup |
01:15-01:30 |
Mini-Seminar: DNA Barcoding |
01:30-02:45 |
DNA Barcoding wet-lab cont'd |
02:45-03:00 |
Mini-Seminar: Evidence Based Gene Modeling |
03:15-04:45 |
Gene Annotation I |
04:45-05:00 |
Mini-Seminar: Alternative Splicing |
Time |
Topic |
Slides |
Notes/Links |
09:00-09:30 |
Mini Seminar: Transposons |
09:30-10:15 |
Transposon Sleuthing: Yellow Line |
10:15-10:30 |
Break |
10:30-11:30 |
Gene Annotation II |
11:30-12:00 |
DNA Barcoding (PCR) |
12:00-01:00 |
Lunch |
01:30-02:30 |
DNA Barcoding - Blue Line |
02:30-02:45 |
Break |
02:45-03:45 |
Barcdoing electrophoresis and sequencing prep |
03:45-04:30 |
Implementation and Classroom Planning |
04:30-05:00 |
Summary, Evaluation, and Closure |
Other Websites and Links and Resources
- DNA Subway Manual
- Workshop handouts in WORD and PDF
- DNA Barcoding Manual
- Barcoding lab planning and prep
- - SMA website and splicing animation.
- - UBP website
- - International Barcode of Life Project
Attendees (23)
Name |
Research Area |
Account Status |
Mahnaz Kiani-Fariz |
Genetics Nucleic Acids | |
X |
Jim Hu |
Biochem Mol Struc Function | |
X |
Idowu Famuyiwa |
Training | |
X |
Milton Daley |
Biochem Mol Struct Function | |
Ivonne Ruiz |
Biochem Mol Struct Function | |
X |
Marie-therese Simms |
Plant Biol | |
Karen Killion |
Other | |
X |
Yi Lu |
Algorithm Dev | |
X |
Shaye Lewis |
Dev Biol | |
X |
Damilola Olaleye |
Cell Biol | |
X |
Annette James |
Agron | |
X |
Joseph Oleniczak |
Biotech/Molec Biol | |
X |
Vimlarani Chopra |
Cell Biol | |
Paul Johnson |
Env Biol | |
X |
Paul Drummond |
Mol Biosciences | |
Deirdre Vaden |
Genetics Nucleic Acids | |
Laura Carson |
Chem | |
Julia Stone |
Cell Biol | |
X |
Shabnam Eslamfam |
Computation Research | |
X |
Deforest Peterson |
Cell Biol | |
X |
Charity Woodard |
Biochem Mol Struct Function | |
X |
Quincy Moore |
Cell Biol | |
X |
Yoonsung Jung |
Stats Probability | |
X |
Post Workshop Survey
Please complete this survey at the conclusion of the workshop:
Post Workshop DNA Sequencing Results
Instructions on retrieving your results will be posted here after the workshop.
Gel Images
DNA Subway instructions:
1. Log into DNA Subway (
2. Start a blue line project
3. Under 'Select Project Type' select the project type to be ‘rbcL’ barcoding
4. Under ‘Select Sequence Source’ choose ‘Import Sequence from DNALC’ Your sequences have a the tracking number: 10-240033358
and are posted as the entry under Jermel Watkins on 10/13/13
5. Select the sequences you want to include and run your project; each person should have two sequences, 1 forward, 1 reverse.
For example, Student 1 will have a sequence called Student1-M13F(21).... and a sample called Student1-M13R....
Important Pre-Workshop Travel Info
Recommended Lodging
There is no reimbursement for lodging. These hotels include those recommended by our hosting institution,but no guarantees are offered about the availability or suitability of the hotels.
Check website like and for additional hotels and rates.
America’s Best Value Inn & Suites
19444 Stokes Road, Waller, TX 77484
Parking Information/Directions:
You will need a parking permit ($2) that can be obtained at the visitor's booth (entrance)
You should park at the Gravel Lot, ROTC lot or any open parking lot