FFW: Scan and Visualize Genomes with PatMatch and Circos in VICE
This webinar will present how to find sequence patterns and visualize data relationships with the PatMatch and Circos applications via CyVerse cyberinfrastructure. First we will briefly demonstrate each of these tools and how CyVerse's Visual Interactive Computing Environment (VICE) enables you to use them right now without having any arduous installations. Finally, we will show you how you to easily connect your data to these tools in CyVerse.
Presenter: Wayne Decatur, Upstate Medical University, SUNY
Biosketch: Wayne Decatur is a researcher in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Upstate Medical University in New York. His work over the years has mainly centered on small noncoding RNAs and their associated proteins. However, Wayne has also studied lamprey and fish, mining their genomes for clues to their evolutionary past and stunning abilities. Trained as a traditional wet lab molecular biologist, he attended a summer camp-style training on next generation sequencing a few years ago and continues to integrate computational tools and open science skills into his work. A strong believer in the ability of computational tools and open science to enhance scientific communication and rigor beyond high-throughput applications, Wayne regularly endeavors to share these tools and skills with other biologists.
YouTube video:
Presentation Slides:
Scan and Visualize Genomes with PatMatch and Circos in VICE
Additional Materials (tutorials, documentation, etc.):