2013 06 05 NAPB Data Workshop
Organizers |
Local Point of Contact |
David Francis (Ohio State) |
Trainers |
S. Goff, D. Ware, L.Wang, N.Hopkins, J.Williams |
Date |
June 5th, 2013 |
Location |
Tampa, FL |
Webpage |
http://www.plantbreeding.org/napb/Meetings/pbccmeeting2013.html |
Workshop Notes
Requirements gathering workshop for iPlant to identify needs within breading communities.
Agenda and Slide deck
Time |
Presentation |
Slides |
Attendee List*
Name |
Affiliation |
User Acct |
Joshua Parsons |
jdparsons@wisc.edu |
UW Madison |
Ksenija Gasic |
kgasic@clemson.edu |
Clemson University |
Jim Irvine |
jirvine@ballhort.com |
Ball Horticultural |
Steve Calhoun |
steve.calhoun@bayer.com |
Bayer CropSci |
Darin Chavee |
darioch@ufl.edu |
U Florida |
Srikakshmi Makkena |
makkena@indianacrop.org |
Indiana Crop Improvement Assoc |
Yuan Yi |
ymmzuz@ufl.edu |
Yuling Zhou |
ylzhou@ufl.edu |
Antoine Gady |
agady@ufl.edu |
J-M Ribaut |
j.ribaut@cgiar.org |
Generation Challenge Programme |
Charles Stuber |
cstuber@ncsu.edu |
Steve Becker |
steve.becker@colostate.edu |
Pat Byrne |
patrick.byrne@colostate.edu |
Barbara Liedl |
liedlbe@wvstateu.edu |
W Virginia State U |
Rick Grazzini |
rick@gardengenetics.com |
GardenGenetics, LLC |
Mike Uchrent |
mike@garengenetics.com |
GardenGenetics, LLC |
Christy Motes |
cmmotes@noble.org |
The Samuel Roberts Noble Fdn |
Jennifer Black |
jlblack@noble.org |
The Samuel Roberts Noble Fdn |
Ana Saballo |
saballoa@ufl.edu |
Steve Goff |
sgoff@iplantcollaborative.org |
UArizona |
Tom Blake |
blake@montana.edu |
Montana State U |
Victoria Blake |
victoria.blake@ars.usda.gov |
Graham Moun |
gmoun@uoguelph.ca |
U Guelph |
Jack MacKenzie |
jmackeO2@uoguelph.ca |
U Guelph |
Rob Dirks |
R.dirks@rijktwaan.nl |
Rijktwaan Breeling |
David Stelly |
stelly@tamu.edu |
Don Jones |
djones@cottoninc.com |
Cotton Inc. |
Allen Van Deynze |
alandeynze@ucdavis.edu |
UC Davis |
Maria Salas |
msalas@iastate.edu |
Iowa State U |
Rachel Itle |
ritle@ufl.ed |
Mitchell Schamann |
mjscham2@ncsu.edu |
N Carolina State U |
Megan Sweeney |
megan.sweeney@bayer.com |
Bayer Crop Science |
David Francis |
francis.77@osu.edu |
Ohio State U |
Megan Bowman |
megan.bowman@ars.usda.gov |
* Attendees entered manually from written list (possible typos)