2013 01 03 CSUPERB Atmosphere Workshop
Organizers |
Local Point of Contact |
Nirav Merchant |
Trainers |
Nirav, Andre Mercer |
Date |
Jan 3, 2013 |
Location |
Anaheim, CA |
Webpage |
Workshop Notes
Here are a few important links that you may wish to refer to during and after the workshop:
Account/Password Problems http://user.iplantcollaborative.org
iPlant Help and Discussion Forums
General iPlant Support Issues
iPlant Privacy (And other) policies - "Your Data is Your Data"
- www.iplantcollaborative.org/privacy
- www.iplantcollaborative.org/about/data-set-hosting
- www.iplantcollaborative.org/about/general-usage-policy
Agenda and Slide deck
Attendee List*
Name |
Affiliation |
User Acct |
Sandra Sharp |
ssharpecalstatela.edu |
Elizabeth Torres |
etorre11@calstatela.edu |
Howard Xu |
hxu3@clastatela.edu |
Leonard Wesley |
Leonard.Wesley@sjsu.edu |
Tara Schrader |
schradt@arc.losrios.edu |
Rachel Mackelprang |
rachel.mackelprang@csun.edu |
Fraka Harmsen |
fharmsen@csuchico.edu |
Jeffery Bell |
jbell@csuchico.edu |
Randy Miller |
rmmiller@csuchico.edu |
Marilyn Johnson |
mdjohnson@pasadena.edu |
Jung Ha An |
jan@cusstan.edu |
Mike Goldman |
goldman@sfsu.edu |
Janey Yongblom |
jyoungblom1@csustan.edu |
Marvin Rosenberg |
mrosenberg@fullerton.edu |
Laura Newcomb |
lnewcomb@csusb.edu |
Elaine Johnson |
ejohnson@biolink.ucsf.edu |
Rollin Richmond |
rollinr@humboldt.edu |
Alex Dekhtyar |
dekhtyar@calpoly.edu |
Jim Youngblom |
jyoungblom@csustan.edu |
Roger Lo |
roger.lo@csulb.edu |
Katherine Kantardjieft |
kkantard@csusm.edu |
Jason Bush |
jbush@csufresno.edu |
* Attendees entered manually from written list (possible typos)