2013 06 04 KBase-iPlant Collaborations

2013 06 04 KBase-iPlant Collaborations


India S. Gordon, Administrative Secretary (Computing, Environment and Life Sciences)
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Phone: 630-252-4336

Goal of the Meeting

To make progress on the KBase and iPlant collaborations




TCS Bldg 240 Room 1407

Designated Lodging

Argonne Guest House
ph: 630-739-6000
$75 per night

Agenda (Tentative)

  1. Get KBase VM image up in iPlant Atmospheres
  2. Deploy the KBase command line scripts into the iPlant script environment
  3. Deploy a high-performance data transfer mechanism including an instance of the KBase auxiliary store inside the infrastructure of iPlant
  4. Select and deploy several iPlant computational tools (e.g. GWAS) as services in KBase