2015 Events
Title | Type | Date | Location | iPlant Contact | Institution Contact | Notes |
PAG XXIII (conf website) | Conference | Jan 10-14 | San Diego, CA | J. Williams, E. Lyons | J. Williams | Attendees: Jason Williams, Steve Goff, Nirav Merchant, Eric Lyons, |
AVATOL (Assembling, Visualizing, and Analyzing the Tree of Life) Phenomics | Meeting | Jan 12- 14 | Biosphere2, AZ | R. Walls |
| iPlant Attendees: Ramona Walls |
iPlant-NSF Monthly Meeting (in-person) | Meeting | Jan 13 | TBD | M. Sprinkle | Exec Team | In-person meeting to replace monthly call as Exec Team, Karen Cone and Diane Okamuro are all attending PAG. |
iPlant Get Started Webinar | Webinar | Jan 15 | Online | J. Williams | NA | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders |
Jetstream Construction Planning Team | Meeting | Jan 20-22 | UA, Tucson, AZ | M. Sprinkle | Therese Miller, millertm@indiana.edu | Business purpose - cross-site coordination for the construction phase of the project. |
iPlant Quarterly SAB | Teleconf | Jan 22 | virtual | M. Sprinkle |
| Time: 8am - 10 am MST |
iSamplES RCN meeting | RCN meeting | Jan 28-30 | UT Austin | R. Walls | Kerstin Lehnart, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | R. Walls presented on iPlant infrastrucure |
Workshop | Jan 29-30 | Clemson, SC | J. Williams |
| Tools & Services workshop | |
Soymap Professional Development & Networking Workshop | Presentation & Demo | Jan 31 | Santa Fe, NM | U. Hilgert | Michael Gonzalez | 56 participants |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | Feb 11 | Online | J. Williams |
| Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders |
Meeting | Feb 13 | Tucson, AZ | N. Merchant |
| |
Arizona Phenotyping Network | Meeting | Feb 13 | Maricopa, AZ | M. Narro | Karen Schumaker | |
Webinar | Feb 20 | Online | Roger Barthelson, Martha Narro |
| Next Generation Sequencing: Getting Started, Read Evaluation and Cleanup. | |
Workshop | Feb 21-22 | Tucson | Uwe H, J. Strootman, N. Zimmerman |
| Curriculum: Shell, git/GitHub, R | |
Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics | Meeting | Feb 21-27 | Barga, Italy | Ann E. Stapleton |
| Ann will present iPlant poster. |
Meeting | Feb 22-27 | Granada, Spain | Bonnie Hurwitz |
| Workshop: iMicrobe: A Cyberinfrastructure to Support Research in Microbial Ecology | |
Genomics and Big Data in Instruction | Seminar | Feb 24 | School of Plant Sciences, UA | Uwe Hilgert |
Observational Data Model Alignment | Workshop | March 2-6 | NCEAS, Santa Barbara | R. Walls | Mark Schildhauer, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis | Alignment/mapping of ontologies and data models used by iPlant, DataONE, O&M, and the biomedical community |
Meeting | March 11-15 | St. Charles, IL | Ann E. Stapleton |
| Ann will present iPlant posters. | |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | March 11 | Online | J. Williams |
| Monthly Getting Started Webinar |
Big Data Workshop at Plant Reproduction 2016 | Workshop | March 18 | Tucson, AZ | E. Lyons | Ravishankar Palanivelu | Abstract: The workshop will introduce attendees to resources and tools to analyze big data, including iPlant Discovery Environment (DE), Managing "Big Data, genome management, visualization and analysis of RNASeq, variant calling, and comparative genomics with CoGe. Attendance capped at 50. Please register for workshop here: |
Workshop | March 18-19 | Maricopa, AZ | Martha Narro |
| Martha will present/demo. Meeting report and slides. | |
Data Carpentry Hack-a-thon | Hack-a-thon | March 23-26 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | J. Williams |
| iPlant will host a hack-a-thon on teaching and evaluation materials for Data Carpentry lessons on NGS data. |
2015.03 AIBS Complex Data Integration Workshop | Workshop | March 30-31 | Arlington, VA | R. Walls | Paula Mabee, Phenotype RCN; Robert Gropp, AIBS | Press release |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | April 8 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
Webinar | April 17 | Online | R. Barthelson, M. Narro |
| ||
NSF Charrette on Regional Big Data Innovation Hubs | Meeting | April 17 | Wakefeild, MA | J. Williams |
| Jason will be attending the meeting: https://bdhub.info/ |
USDA-iPlant BigData Workshop on Genome Variation | TSW/TTT | April 19-22 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | L. Wang, D. Ware, Jason. W |
| ~25 USDA Investigators will be working on applying iPlant resources to problems in Population Genomics. They will also train on iPlant CI and disseminate these skills within ARS. |
Sustainability Retreat | Meeting | April 23-24 | Dallas, TX | M. Sprinkle |
| Meeting for Executive Team to determine high-level strategy |
Get Started Webinar | Webinar | May 4 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
Genomics Standards Consortium (2015.05 GSC17) | Meeting | May 4-6 | JGI, Walnut Creek, CA | R. Walls, B. Hurwitz | 17th Meeting of the Genomics Standards Consortium. Theme: Standards for the Microbial Dark Matter. RW presented on ontologies for linking biodiversity standards and data. BH presented on iMicrobe. | |
TSW University of Georgia | TSW | May 7-8 | Athens, GA | J. Williams | CJ Tsai(?) | Two-day tools and services workshop. |
Workshop | May 14-15 | UC Santa Barbara | Nirav Merchant, Martha Narro |
| ||
Tools and Services Workshop | TSW | May 18-19 | Santa Fe, NM | U. Hilgert | Luke Spangenburg (luke.spangenburg@sfcc.edu); Donovan Bailey (dbailey@nmsu.edu); Michael Gonzales (mgonzales@soymap.org) | These workshops will serve the New Mexico and West Texas area and are coordinated to reach institutions where we can impact a large number of users. |
Spatial Data Workshop | Workshop | May 20 | Tucson, AZ | Nirav Merchant |
Genomics in Education Workshop | GinE | May 21-22 | Santa Fe, NM | U. Hilgert | Luke Spangenburg (luke.spangenburg@sfcc.edu); Donovan Bailey (dbailey@nmsu.edu); Michael Gonzales (mgonzales@soymap.org) | Two-day workshop about use of cyberinfrastructure in teaching. |
| Workshop | May 29 | New Orleans, LA | J. Williams |
Webinar | May 29 | online | Shabari Subramaniam, Martha Narro |
| |
Conference | May 30 - Jun 2 | New Orleans, LA | B. Hurwitz |
| Attendees: B. Hurwitz, R. Walls | |
Get Started with iPlant | Webinar | June 3 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
Workshop | June 8-12 | Bowie, MD | J. Williams | M. Spector (CSHL), George Ude (Bowie State). | A faculty workshop held by the DNALC at Bowie State Univ. will host faculty working on RNA-Seq projects using the DNA Subway Green Line, Data Store, and DE. | |
Tools and Services Workshop | TSW | June 15-16th | Brookings, SD | J. Williams | Carol L. | Collaborators from SDSU and USD will be hosting a tools and Genomics in Education Workshop. |
Genomics in Education Workshop | GinE | June 18-19th | Brookings, SD | J. Williams |
Workshop | June 22-26 | Long Beach, CA | J. Williams | M. Spector (CSHL), Jude Brusslan (CSU-Long Beach) | A faculty workshop held by the DNALC at Bowie State Univ. will host faculty working on RNA-Seq projects using the DNA Subway Green Line, Data Store, and DE. | |
Tools and Services Workshop | TSW | July 2-3 | Norwich, UK | J. Williams and J. Fonner | Vicki Schneider (TGAC) | Jason and John will instruct a two-day TSW and work on collaboration with TGAC and other iPlant Collaborations |
Conference | July 6-8 | Norwich, UK | J. Williams and J. Fonner |
| Jason and John will be attending and working on collaborations on developing bioinformatics developer communities and outreach | |
Conference | July 10-11 | Dublin, Ireland | J. Williams and J. Fonner |
| Jason and John will be attending and working on collaborations on developing bioinformatics developer communities. Jason has also been invited to participate in a panel discussion on outreach. | |
Workshop | July 11 | Dublin, Ireland | J. Williams and J. Fonner |
| Jason and John will present a half-day workshop on uses on the iPlant CI. David Clements (Galaxy) and Vicky Schneider (TGAC) will also participate in a panel discussion on building bioinformatics training programs and community development | |
Get Started with iPlant | Webinar | July 22 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
Soc. Meeting | July 26-30 | Minneapolis, MN | J. Williams |
| We will host an iPlant booth. Jason has submitted an abstract for a talk on iPlant CI. We will also host a Data Carpentry workshop | |
Workshop | July 30-31 | Minneapolis, MN | J. Williams |
| We will host a Data Carpentry Workshop after the Plant Biology meeting. The focus will be working with NGS data sets using the lessons developed the March 2015 Hack-a-thon at CSHL. | |
ESA 2015 (Ecological Society of America) | Society meeting | Aug 9-15 | Baltimore, MD | R. Walls | RW will host and present in an organized oral session on Data integration and informatics for the next century of ecology, and present in an ignite session on coding for ecology. | |
Get Started with iPlant | Webinar | Aug 11 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
USDA-ARS Meeting on Microbial genomics, Biomics, and Metagenomics Workshop | Meeting | Aug 18 | Athens, GA | J. Williams | Jason has been invited to speak on iPlant resources that USDA-ARS can leverage in technologies available for micro-biome and metagenome sequencing, assembly and analyses. | |
Genomics in Education | Workshop | Aug 19-20 | Ft. Myers, FL | J. Williams | Anjali Misra | Two-day workshop about use of cyberinfrastructure in teaching. |
/wiki/spaces/Events/pages/242199566 | Meeting | Aug 20-21 | Dallas, TX | M. Sprinkle | One-day meeting for Executive Team to meet in person. | |
Get Started with iPlant | Webinar | Sep 11 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
UC Davis | Workshop | Sep 28-30 | Davis, CA | J. Williams | C.T. Brown | iPlant workshop, including instructor training. |
TDWG2015 | Meeting | Sep 27 - Oct 1 | Nairobi, Kenya | R. Walls | R. Walls will present a 1 hour pre-conference overview (remotely) and 2 1.5hr hands on workshops, as part of a capacity building activity for biodiversity information specialists from Sub-Saharan African countries. | |
Get Started with iPlant | Webinar | Oct 7 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new iPlant account holders | |
Workshop | Oct 3-4 | Tucson | Uwe Hilgert |
| Curriculum A: Shell, git/GitHub, R, Atmosphere for novices to programming 100 applicants, 69 participants BIO 36%, ENV 16%, Space 11%, GEO 9%, MED 6%, ENGR 7%, MATH 5% | |
Colorado State Univ. | Talk | Oct 20 | Ft. Collins, CO | J. Williams | Zaid Abdo | Jason will give a talk including a demo of iPlant features and updates to the college of Vet. Med. and Biomedical sciences as well as meet throughout the day with CSU collaborators. |
NEON/Data Carpentry Hackathon | Hackathon | Oct 21-23 | Boulder, CO | J. Williams | Leah Wasser (NEON) | This will be the first EOT collaboration with NEON as we work on lessons for geospaitial data that are relevant to NEON, Data Carpentry, and iPlant. |
Genome Informatics | Conference | Oct 28-30 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | L. Wang | The following posters will be presented: Assessing new tools and best practices for RNA seq data analysis and visualization with iPlant cyberinfrastructure Kapeel M Chougule, Andrew Olson, Jurandir Vieira De Magalhaes, Peter Van Buren, Liya Wang, Doreen Ware Building a Distributed System for Sequence Analysis Liya Wang, Peter Van Buren, Doreen Ware | |
Phenomics Conference | Conference | Nov 9-10 | Spokane, WA | Martha Narro | Sindhuja Sankaran (Washington State U) | Martha is presenting (invited) and participating in discussion groups to describe what iPlant can offer to support phenotyping for plant breeding. Meeting report |
Future of Data Commons and Software | Workshop | Nov 18 | DC | Nirav Merchant | CENDI, RDA, National Academies | Nirav's slides |
iPlant Webinar - Analyzing High Throughput Sequencing Reads with the NGS Eclipse Pugin | webinar | Nov 20 | online | Martha Narro | Jorge Duitama (CIAT) | materials |
Half-day iPlant workshop at CSHL Plant Genomes and Biotechnology Meeting | Workshop | Dec 2 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | J. Williams | This workshop will be for meeting attendees and CSHL students/staff. The goal will be to highlight new iPlant features developed since the last (2013) CSHL plant meeting. The workshop will focus on RNA-Seq, Annotation, and assembly, and will also be available via Livestream. | |
Plant Genomes & Biotechnology: From Genes to Networks | Conference | Dec 2-9 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | J. Williams | The following posters will be presented: Building a variant analysis platform using the iPlant Agave API Zhenyuan Lu, Kapeel Chougule, Cornel Ghiban, Liya Wang, Doreen Ware Scaling plant science (and scientists) using Biological Cyberinfrastructure Jason Williams, iPlant Collaborative | |
The 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence | Conference | Dec 7-9 | Las Vegas, NV | L. Wang | The following talk will be presented: Architecting a Distributed Bioinformatics Platform with iRODS and iPlant Agave API Liya Wang, Peter Van Buren, Doreen Ware | |
Workshop | Dec 8 | Washington, DC | N. Merchant | Nirav Merchant | Enabling team science: Managing data and computations at scale with iPlant | |
iPlant Tools and Services Workshop | Workshop | Dec 17-18 | Santiago, Chile | N. Merchant, E. Lyons | Felipe Andres Gajardo Escobar | Santiago is 4 hours ahead of Tucson. They have 36 participants. |
AVATOL Phenomics - which stands for Assembling, Visualizing, and Analyzing the Tree of Life.