2016 Events
Title | Type | Date | Location | CyVerse Contact | Institution Contact | Notes |
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) | Conference | Jan 3-7 | Portland, OR | Blake Joyce | Don Mykles, Karen Burnett, David Durica, Jonathon Stillman, Carl Schmidt, Fiona McCarthy | Hosted a lunch community assessment session, a booth for determining community interests, published a peer-reviewed white paper, and a Journal of Visualized Experiments peer-reviewed publication. |
XXIV International Plant and Animal Genome Meeting | Conference | Jan 9-13 | San Diego, CA | Jason W. | N/A | We will have several workshops, sessions, and a booth. |
Phenology Ontology Workshop | Workshop | Jan 12-17 | Ft. Collins, CO | R. Walls | Jill Baron | Workshop to build an initial draft of the Plant Phenology Ontology, funded by NEON and hosted by the USGS Powell Center. |
iSamplES RCN annual meeting | Workshop | Jan 25-27 | RenCI, Chapel Hill, NC | R. Walls | Kerstin Lehnert, Chris Lenhardt | Annual meeting of the Internet of Samples for Earth Science Research Coordination Network |
Software Carpentry Workshop: Programming in R | Workshop | Jan 23-24 | Tucson, AZ | Uwe Hilgert | Uwe | Curriculum: Intermediate R BIO 27%, MIS 20%, MED 11%, MATH 11%, ENV 7%, SSBS 5%, ENGR 4%, Space Sciences 4%, IT 4%, Library 4% Graduate Students 60%, Postdocs 19%, Faculty 7%, Ugraduates 7%, Staff 5% |
Software Carpentry Workshop: Programming in Python | Workshop | Jan 30-31 | Tucson, AZ | Uwe Hilgert | Uwe | Curriculum: Intermediate Python |
Focus Forum Webinar: | Webinar | Jan 29 | online | Martha | Alex Bucksch, Georgia Tech U | 79 registrants, 34 participants |
Data Carpentry Workshop on NGS Data | Workshop | Jan 19-20 | Stony Brook, NY | Jason W. | Joshua Rest | Data Carpentry workshop on iPlant/DC developed NGS lessons |
Genomics in Education - The University of Delaware | Workshop | Feb 1-2 | Newark, DE | Jason W. | Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic | Standard Genomics in Education Workshop |
Tools and Services Workshop - The University of Delaware | Workshop | Feb 3-4 | Newark, DE | Jason W. | Alenka Hlousek-Radojcic | Standard Tools and Services Workshop |
Getting Started with iPlant | Webinar | Feb 10 | Online | Jason W. | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
PHOIBOS2 Identifier Workshop | Workshop | Feb 17-19 | Oracle, AZ | R. Walls, M. Esteva | NSF funded workshop and hackathon on identifier technologies | |
Workshop | Mar 3-5 | Memphis, TN | Jason W. | Bindu Nandri | We will do a half-day workshop at this event | |
Get started with CyVerse | Webinar | Mar 9 | Online | Jason Williams | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Tools and Services Workshop - The Ohio State University | Workshop | Mar 17-18 | Wooster, OH | Jason W. | Asela Wijeratne | Standard Tools and Services Workshop |
Tools and Services Workshop - Plant Reproduction 2016 Conference | Workshop | Mar 18 | Tucson, AZ | Eric Lyons | Ravi Palanivelu | Three hour workshop: Intro to CyVerse; Hands-on with Data Store, DE, Atmo; Genome management and analysis with CoGe |
Education and Outreach Webinar Series: iPlant's DNA Subway | Webinar | Mar 23 | Online | Jason Williams | Molly Phillips | Jason will present on CyVerse EOT and DNA Subway as part of this iDigBio Webinar series |
Using Docker to bring tools into the Discovery Environment | Webinar | Mar 25 | Online | Martha Narro | Roger Barthelson, Upendra Devisetty | 30 registrants, 12 participants |
Software Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | Mar 28-Apr 1 | Tucson, AZ | Uwe Hilgert | Uwe Hilgert | Sequence of five 1/2-day workshops. >Registration >Material >Eherpad Curriculum: Shell, git/GitHub, R, Atmosphere Applicant breakdown: |
Genomics in Education Workshop - Southern Illinois University -Carbondale | Workshop | Mar 29-30 | Carbondale, IL | Jason W. | Jane Geisler-Lee | Standard Genomics in Education Workshop |
Tools and Services Workshop - Southern Illinois University -Carbondale | Workshop | Mar 31-Apr 1 | Carbondale, IL | Jason W. | Jane Geisler-Lee | Standard Tools and Services Workshop |
Missouri Informatics Day | Conference | April 4-5 | Columbia, Missouri | Nirav M. | Trupti Joshi | Presentation |
CyVerse Training Day | Workshop | Apr 11th | Melbourne, AU | Jason W. | Vicky Schneider | Jason will be hosted by EMBL Australia Bioinformatics Director for collaborations and a one-day workshop. |
Nectar Research Software Infrastructure Workshop | Workshop | Apr12th | Melbourne, AU | Jason. W | Vicky Schneider/Michelle Barker | Jason will present CyVerse as a type of US 'Virtual Laboratory', presenting an overview of the project as well as the development of Atmosphere |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | April 20 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Focus Forum Webinar: Collaborating with Image Data in Bisque | Webinar | April 22 | Online | Martha Narro | Kris Kvilekval, Dmitry Fedorov, Ramona Walls | 28 registrants, 17 participants |
NSF AVATOL PIs meeting | Workshop | April 26-27 | Arlington, VA | R. Walls, N. Merchant | Joe Miller | NSF hosted meeting for all PIs of the three AVATOL projects to discuss sustainability. RW participated as PI, NM as sustainability expert. (~40 participants) |
OBI-ECO evidence meeting | Workshop | May 11-12 | Baltimore, MD | R. Walls | Marcus Chibucos | Joint meeting of the Evidence Ontology (ECO) and Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) to discuss modeling evidence. RW is on ECO advisory board. |
Big Genomic Data Skills Training for Professors | Workshop | May 24 | Farmington, CT | J. Williams | Jeff Chuang | Jason will give a one-day presentation on analyzing genomics data using CyVerse resources |
External Scripting for Bisque Workflows | Webinar | May 25 | Online | M. Narro | Kris Kvilekval, Dmitry Fedorov | 17 registrants + 3 staff, 10 community participants |
Data Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | May 26-27 | Bethesda, MD | J. Williams | Michelle Dunn | Jason will co-teach a Data Carpentry on the CyVerse co-developed genomics data lessons at NIH |
Tools and Services Workshop | Workshop | May 30-31 | Irapuato, MX | J. Williams | Rubén Alverez | J. Fonner and J. Williams will lead a Tools and Services workshop at LangeBio/CINVISTAV |
Data Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | Jun 1-2 | Irapuato, MX | J. Williams | Rubén Alverez | J. Fonner and J. Williams will lead a Data Carpentry on the CyVerse co-developed genomics data lessons |
RNA-Seq for the Next Generation Virtual Workshop | Workshop | Jun 6-17 | Online | J. Williams | J. Lee and J. Williams will co-teach a virtual workshop on RNA-Seq and DNA Subway with other DNALC instructors. | |
Software Carpentry | Workshop | Jun 11-12 | Tucson, AZ | U. Hilgert | 2-day workshop preceding the NIH IRACDA Conference Curriuculum: Shell, git/GitHub, Python | |
IRACDA 2016 Conference | Conference | Jun 12-14 | Tucson, AZ | U. Hilgert | Presentation: Uwe Hilgert | |
5th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics | Conference | Jun 12-17 | Madison, WI | A. Stapleton | Natalia de Leon | UNCW CyVerse student Danielle Chaung will present a poster on VALIDATE. Ann will hand out information about CyVerse. |
2016 National Academies Special Topics Summer Institute on Quantitative Biology | Workshop | Jun 19-24 | Raleigh, NC | J. Williams | Workshop: Cyberinfrastructure in the Classroom - Using Computation Resources to Make Teaching 'High Performance' | |
BioQUEST Summer Institute | Workshop | Jun 20-21 | Raleigh, NC | J. Williams | Kristin Jenkins | Jason will give a presentation on DNA Subway and Atmosphere for education and also give a demo Data Carpentry lesson |
Getting Started with CyVerse | Webinar | Jun 22 | Online | J. Willams | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
Plant Biology 2016 | Conference | Jul 7-13 | Austin, TX | Jason W. | CyVerse will host a booth and poster | |
Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) 2016 | Conference | Jul 8-9 | Orlando, FL | J. Fonner | ||
ISMB | Conference | Jul 8-12 | Orlando, FL | J. Fonner, M. Vaughn, N. Merchant | Nirav Merchant and Matt Vaughn presented at the AKES workshop on Education in Bioinformatics (How to Scale Science and People Using the Cloud), and participated in a panel discussion. | |
Genetics Society of America GSA 2016 | Conference | Jul 13-17 | Orlando, FL | J. Lee | CyVerse will host a booth and a 2-hour workshop session | |
Epigenetics: bisulfite sequence analysis and adenosine to inosine modifications (part 1) | Webinar | Jul 22 | Online | M. Narro | Jawon, Roger, Zhenyuan | Registrants: 22, Participants: 10 |
International Society for Animal Genetics | Conference | Jul 23-27 | Salt Lake City, UT | J. Koltes | CyVerse User James Koltes represented CyVerse and presented a poster: ( Bioinformatics resources for animal genomics using CyVerse cyberinfrastructure ) and also featured CyVerse in his oral presentation on EpiDB. | |
Epigenetics: Bisulfite sequence analysis (part 2), plus results visualization | Webinar | Jul 29 | Online | M. Narro | Blake Joyce | Registrants: 13, Participants: 2 |
International Conference on Biological Ontology & BioCreative | Conference | Aug 1-4 | Corvallis, OR | R. Walls, Weijia Xu | Pankaj Jaiswal | Walls presented several ontology talks in ICBO. Xu presented a paper on text mining for ontology annotaiton in BioCreative. Meeting report. |
NIBLSE Kickoff Meeting | Conference | Aug 4-5 | Omaha, NE | J. Williams | NIBLSE - an NSF-funded RCN works to integrate Bioinformatics into Life Science Education. Jason is a member of a project working group and presented on how CyVerse faculty training can inform efforts to improve faculty development. Several CyVerse exemplar education users (Jim Burnette, UC Riverside; Carlos Goller, NC State - also presented on their use of CyVerse in the classroom). | |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | Aug 9 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NAPPN) Inaugural Convening Event | Conference | Aug 29-31 | West Lafayette, IN | R. Walls | April Agee/Carolyn Lawrence-Dill | Meeting report |
Evolinc: Identification and Evolutionary Analysis of Long non-coding RNA | Webinar | Sep 9 | Online | M. Narro | Andrew Nelson, Upendra Devisetty | Materials |
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | Sep 14 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new account holders | |
SolGenomics Workshop | Webinar | Sep 15 | Online (Davis, CA) | J. Williams | Allen Van Deynze | Jason presented a one hour webinar and tutorial set during the conference's concurrent demo track. |
BIoSNTR Imaging Informatics Symposium | Symposium | Sep 16 | Sioux Falls, SD | M. Narro | Carol Lushbough | Virtual presentation and demos - Overview: Bisque Image Analysis Environment. slides; videos are on the Tutorials List page (search for Bisque). Attendees: 80 |
Conference | Sep 20-23 | Maui, HI | R. Walls | Walls will present a paper on the developing Space Object Decision Support System, using CyVerse infrastructure. Meeting report | ||
South African Genetics Society/South African Bioinformatics Society - Joint Conference | Conference | Sep 22-23 | Durban, ZA | J. Williams | Robyn Jacob | Jason is being hosted by the South African Sugarcane Research Institute to present on CyVerse to the South African Bioinformatics Congress. |
Data Carpentry and CyVerse mini-workshop | Workshop | Sep 26-29 | Potchefstroom, ZA | J. Williams | Anelda van der Walt | Jason is being hosted by North-West University to instruct the Genomics Data Carpentry Lessons Co-developed by CyVerse as well as mini-workshops on CyVerse platforms. |
USDA NIFA Big Data in Agriculture | Symposium | Oct 10 | Chicago, IL | Blake Joyce | Stakeholders meeting for the future of Big Data in Agriculture | |
SACNAS Pre-conference session | Workshop | Oct 12 | Long Beach, CA | Joslynn Lee | Rolando Madrid, SACNAS Director of Programs | Joslynn will lead a one-day workshop with Software / Data Carpentry lessons and a presentation on CyVerse Infrastructure. |
Syngenta Comparative Genomics | Symposium | Oct 11-14 | Raleigh, NC | Blake Joyce | Josh Cohn | Meeting at the Research Triangle with multiple Syngenta sites. Discussion of comparative genomics and applications for crop agriculture. Slides |
Field-Based High Throughput Phenotyping | Workshop | Oct 17-20 | Maricopa, AZ | Tyson Swetnam Blake Joyce | Jeffery White | |
Cereal Genomics Workshop | Workshop | Oct 18-25 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | J. Williams | Workshop on Cereal Genomics, will use CyVerse Atmosphere and DE for informatics | |
5 th International Conference on Biometrics & Biostatistics | Conference | Oct 20 - 21 | Houston, TX | Upendra Devisetty | Upendra is an invited speaker for the Bioinformatics session of the conference. He is also doing the workshop in the same conference. The presentation and workshop will be focused on "Bringing tools into CyVerse DE". (20) | |
Microbial FuturePhy Workshop | Workshop | Oct 21-23 | Chicago, IL | Ramona Walls | Carrine Blank | Workshop sponsored by https://futurephy.org/ on how to share, analyze, and reuse microbial phylogenetic data. They are looking for a place to publish matrices, and the Data Commons may serve that need. Also looking to integrate analysis tools. Ramona presented a CyVerse overview and a short talk on how to use ontologies to describe microbial environments. # participants: ~15 |
Bio-medical Data Science | Hackathon | Oct 24-26 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | Upendra Devisetty | Upendra has been accepted to attend the Biological Data Science Hackathon at CSHL. He will be working on the following workflows
| |
Biological Data Science | Conference | Oct 26-29 | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | J. Williams, U. Devisetty | This meeting was co-developed by iPlant/CyVerse, and abstracts submissions are in progress from DNALC; additional CyVerse-related abstracts are welcome. Upendra is giving a poster on "Evolinc—A computational pipeline for comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of long non-coding RNAs from large RNA-Seq datasets" | |
Software/Data Carpentry Workshop | Workshop | Nov. 5-6 | University of Arizona | Uwe Hilgert | Uwe Hilgert | Curriculum: Shell, git/GitHub, R 91 applicants; 46 participants |
PIDapolooza | Conference | Nov. 9-10 | Reykjavik, Iceland | R. Walls | ||
PLOTCON | Conference | Nov 15-18 | New York City, NY | Blake Joyce | Blake will give a presentation entitled "Always Evolving: a tale of genomic visualization" (200) | |
TDWG2016 (Biodiversity Information Standards) | Conference + Hackathon | Dec. 5-10 | La Fortuna, Costa Rica | R. Walls | ||
Ramping up compute through CyVerse + R | Workshop | Dec. 8th | University of Arizona Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department | Blake Joyce | Elizabeth Miller | Blake will give a presentation to the EEB department (40% grads, 40% postdocs, 20% staff/visiting scholars). Additionally, discussions about interactive visualization and scaled compute community needs will be held. |
EMBL-ABR workshop on Open Source and Software Development Best Practice | Workshop | Dec. 8th | Melbourne, Australia | J. Williams | Jason co-presented workshop with ELIXIR CTO Rafael Jimenez on Software Development best Practice in Bioinformatics, including resources available through CyVerse (12) | |
Workshop | Dec. 9th | Melbourne, Australia | J. Williams | Jason co-presented on training best practices with EMBL-ABR Dept. Director Vicky Schneider, ELIXIR CTO Rafael Jimenez in training for bioinformatics (10) | ||
Get Started with CyVerse | Webinar | Dec 21 | Online | J. Williams | Monthly webinar for new account holders (2) |
SI Team professional development