Viewing Your Active Instances

About viewing instances and instance details

You can view your Atmosphere instances in the Instance Details tab as well as when viewing the instance itself. You also can view and access your Atmosphere instances in the WShell (available for login via either through an SSH window or in the Web Shell tab), and in VNC (a Java-based VNC client that provides instant access to the desktop of the selected instance, accessible either in the Atmosphere VNC tab or via a separate VNC Viewer application). For information on using both methods, see Logging In to an Instance.

You can view the list of images and volumes in a project. From that list, you can then view details about an instance and take action on it, such as suspend and resume, stop and start, and delete an instance and view and access your Atmosphere instances using Web Shell or Web Desktop.

You can attach and detach one or more volumes in the same project to the same instance, view metrics about how your resources (memory, disk space, CPU, and AU usage) are being used on this instance, and view your instance history for each image you have launched.

After an instance is active, you can view details about it, including the IP address of the image, the IDs for the instance and its parent image (Based on Image), the date you launched the image, and the status of the instance.

Viewing instance details, metrics, and history

You can view the details, metrics, and history of your launched instances.

  1. In Atmosphere, click Projects at the top and then click the project with the instance to view.
  2. Click the instance name to view its details:
    • Status: Current status of this instance.
    • Activity: Current level of activity for the instance, either Building, Building-Spawning, Building-Networking, Active, Active-Deleting, or Deleted.
    • Size: Amount of CPUs, memory, and disk size used by the instance.
    • IP Address: Atmosphere-assigned IP address. Use this to log in via SSH window.
    • Launched: Date the instance was launched.
    • Based on: Image upon which this instance was based.
    • Provider selected for the instance.
    • ID: Unique identifier assigned to this instance.

Viewing instance history

  1. Click Dashboard at the top.
  2. In the Instance History section, click the instance whose history you want to view.
  3. Scroll to the bottom to view the instance's status history

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