
Yesterday and today I've been busy writing code to implement a model and method describing an affinity between two sets of seed pixels.  Here's the basic idea:

  • Two seeds out there, s1 and s2, have somehow produced a list of pixel locations:  s1 = ?{(x1,y1),(x2,y2), . . . , (xN,yN)} and s2 = {(u1,v1),(u2,v2), . . . (uM,vM)}
    .  We don't use color or shape, just pixel locations: s1 and s2 are silhouettes.
  • Our model states that these two data are explained by an affinity A.  An affinity is a restricted kind of transformation on pixels.  We postulate that A (which is unknown) will make s1 look like s2.  In other words,  A(s1) = s2 + noise.
  • Taking a generative, Bayesian approach, we want a statistical model p(A,s1,s2) = (k)L(s1,s2; A) p(A).  L is a function called the likelihood -- in this case, the likelihood of the seed data, presupposing we know A (which we don't).  p(A) represents the prior plausibility of some A.  Finally, k is constant of proportionality that we ignore.  We take this approach because if we try a sufficient bunch of candidate affinities A1, A2, A3, . . ., plugging each one into p(A,s1,s2), we often can find an affinity A' that yields a relatively high value for p(A',s1,s2).  That best answer A' can be said to "explain" the data; it's as if we've developed an "understanding" of the data.
  • The above story has a few blank sections still:  the likelihood L, the prior p(A), and the proposal process for A1, A2, etc.
  • For the likelhood, let's start from a nice big constant number and deduct 1 every time there's a pixel in s2 that is absent in A(s1), or vice versa.  So if all their pixels align, there will be a high score (no deductions).
  • For the prior p(A), I've decomposed A into seven more-or-less independent factors (discussed earlier) -- A might magnify or shrink in 2D, but not by a lot.  "Not by a lot" sounds vague, but we can be more quantitative using Gaussians -- say, along an axis, by a factor that on average is 1 and 68% of the time is no more than, say, 40% above or below unity.  Where did I get that?  I made it up, but I'm trying to draw from empirical observations of seeds, and I think I can be a bit sloppy in my guessing.  Likewise I can roughly model my prior knowledge of seed variation by casting it in terms of shear, translation, and rotation.  Rotation is easiest to model, because it's a "known unknown":  the seed could be rotated in absolutely any direction.
  • One annoying detail is that if A magnifies, and if the pixels of s1 are at least 1 unit apart, then some pixels of A(s1) will be more than one unit apart!  This could make s1 look like stripes or splinters!  So I wrote code to augment s1 with pseudopixels between the actual pixels, which will fill in the gaps and prevent splintering.
  • The last major piece is the proposal process.  We will use an approach in the large family of Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods, i.e., its proposals are a mixture of memory and randomness.  A Markov chain partially retains what else has been tried recently, and how well it worked, but then proposes a stochastic increment from that state -- it can be described as an "exploration" of a space.  In this case, a seven-dimensional space.
  • As is always the case with real code implementations, there are other chores:  developing a "language" for representing seeds in a text file, writing code to interpret and produce that language, writing test code to make sure the individual components actually do what I intended, and writing code to display what is happening in text or graphics.