
iPg2p Steering Committee Minutes
December 16, 2009; 1 to 2 pm CST


The meeting was convened at 1pm CST and there was some general discussion to allow time for late arrivals to dial in.

Item 1: Review Action Items

  • Gendler will add times to agenda for discussion next week
  • All on the call should provide feedback to Grene about her presentation last week
    • Grene is still awaiting feedback.  Jordan will write up his feedback that was along the lines of what was discussed in the last VA meeting.
  • White will edit press release and send to Welch
  • Welch will combine edits and send out to Goff for more edits
    • Welch has sent a version to the media person at KSU.  What is written will come to each institution and each institution will change and edit to fit.

Item 2: Discuss Agenda for San Diego

  • Agenda - has been edited and finalized

Item 3: Identify Action Items

*Next meeting time: San Diego, Jan 13th 1pm PST.

Adjournment: The meeting ended at 1:45pm CST.