
iPG2P Steering Committee Meeting

July 31, 2012

Matt Vaughn's Email Update

Dear iPlant G2P Steering Committee:

We're scheduled for a conference call next week, but in its place I would like to offer the following update:

1) iPlant has been invited to submit a 5 year non-competitive renewal due relatively soon. We're in the early planning stages of this, and so if you've got concerns, ideas, or bullet points please send them to me to serve as a source of inspiration and thought

2) We've been remarkably busy on the training front - We've done several workshops and this month, our relationship with the animal genomics community grew substantially as we hosted a workshop for some of those folks, followed by a mini-hackathon at TACC where development of several new sophisticated tools was started.

3) Atmosphere is getting a facelift. Log in at to see a preview...

4) Due to heroic efforts by the DE team, the dramatic pauses we have experienced while using the iPlant DE Data Window have been resolved with a patch last Tuesday. If this has been an issue in your groups usage of the system to date, please check out the updated DE - it's downright snappy now


Matthew W. Vaughn, Ph.D.,

Manager, Life Sciences Computing Group

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Austin, TX | (949) 436-6642