- only Karen and Kris present
- discussed ongoing work to link existing viewer to DE
- have curl service that takes a newick string as input and returns an HTTP response with URL to tree
- for large trees (noticeable for 50K tips) there is a lag between when the URL gets returned and when the tree file has been parsed and is ready to view
- users should not be presented with the URL until the viz service is ready; or we should give an informative status message (currently, you get a 500 error)
- the URL contains an identifier. In the long-term, these should be persistent (see below).
- production vs development server
- currently, portnoy.iplantcollaborative.org is serving as both
- before the link between viz and the DE goes into production, we should have a separate development server
- at that time, the identifers in the URLs should be persistent (and should that URL contain a specific server name?)
- Goals for next two weeks
- finish up SVG export (started previously but needs polishing)
- implement a method for user to navigate back to a parent node without going all the way back to the root (requested by viz and by TR)
- implement ingestion of styling information necessary for BSA workshop
Action items that require coordination with other groups
- Clarify what tree styling information is required for the BSA workshop and how this is being produced / sent to viz tool
- How to ensure that users do not have access to viz URL before parsing complete (the hack solution would be for us to serve up a "waiting..." message)
- Determine timeline for initial phase of DE integration and make sure we have resolved development / production server issues