- Tree reconciliation pipeline update (Sheldon)
- Questions about future clusters (Sheldon)
- Database update (Jamie)
- Feedback from PIs (Jim, Cecile)?
- Meeting time change
Attendees: Nicole Hopkins, Eric Lyons, Jamie Estill, Lim Leebens-Mack, Cecile Ane, Vicki Bryan
Database Update
- Jamie - writing code to populate the database, figuring out a good way to reconcile tree in time format, will finish in the next day.
- Jim – Looked at the incubator project notes and in reviewing the details of the pipeline - is what was done, what we agreed upon? ( precomputed reconciliation).
- Discussed having a comparison of the two types of reconciliations TreeBest and PrIMETV
- Nicole – We need to start thinking about user interface, to interact with what is stored in the database, how to search, and what is returned on the search.
- Discussed the four questions in scope
- Show all gene duplications in a gene family tree
- Find all gene trees showing a duplication event at a specific point on a species tree
- Show sampled gene copy number for all taxa
- Find points on a species tree where a set of genes (e.g. all genes within a pathway or GO category) originated and/or diversified.
- Need to evaluation which reconciliation algorithm is working the fastest. Suggestion to let users select the algorithms they would like to use?
- elyons is getting up to speed and working with developers on how best to do a three screen vis on the available space. How do we want it visualized? The use of tabs was suggested as a simple solution.
Meeting Time Change
- To accomodate everyones schedule we are looking into changing the time of this meeting. A poll was sent to select a new time