Agenda and Notes
Dev updates (Urie)
- parseTree returns a 202 response with the URL in location header and in the body (requested by Andy Muir)
- Bad requests (no newick, invalid newick, etc.) get a 400 response and an appropriate error message
- Each tree is hashed when importing, and if a tree with the same hash is uploaded later, the URL for the existing tree is returned.
- Uploaded newick strings are saved to the filesystem, in case they need to be imported again later.
- Reset database on portnoy. Currently just the Smith tree and the NCBI taxonomy. Development server on estraven.iplantcollaborative.org is available for test uploads.
- Tried dedicated database server for estraven and performance was significantly worse:
- importing the NCBI taxonomy to a local db: about 3 min.
- importing the NCBI taxonomy to the db on euryale: about 9 min.
- JSON now accepted in paste-style box.
- Updated to allow name->style mappings (in addition to existing id->style mappings)
- added a branchLabels element to json, to display text labels in the tr-standalone app
- Can now zoom out to parent node. Currently, this is done with the left-drag gesture.
- Labels in SVG output are now hidden if overlapping
BSA Updates from Naim
- went very well, no specific feedback from viewer
- one failure during live demo when sending tree, repeat worked fine
- used to view tree only, not tree + annotations
- current DB issue with View Tree link in DE (going to estraven)
- Naim hacked an alternate solution that sends as an analysis (yay!); but issues with opening URL automatically and cache clearing
Questions / Other notes
- how to we deal with the (possibly) large number of trees that might end up in that pull-down menu on the treeviewer?
- should we remove the open menu item altogether?
- or keep a short list of good demo trees
- plans for usability testing of DE after August
- what is next for the visualizer?
- small fixes, UI improvements, help, etc.
- documentation for standalone installation
- need to connect with other viz needs within iPlant
- probably not going to be any Core Software attention to viz until the end of the year
- publication!
- Let's focus on the publication in the short term