EOT for iPToL

EOT for iPToL

Name: Take the Subway to Trait Evolution

Start date:  Jan 4, 2011

Target Release:  July 2011

Status: Taking off

Lead: Ann E. Stapleton


Our goal is to expand the use of Trait Evolution tools to new researchers and for teaching.  As the iPlant big tree is completed it will be available for the analysis of traits, and a large set of examples relevant to teaching will be incorporated.  Workshops, tutorials, and other materials will be developed for researchers new to this type of data analysis and for specific teaching needs.

Project Description

The Discovery Environment implementation of Trait Evolution tools will be extended, with new example datasets added and the iPlant Big Tree made available for use by the tool.  The DNA Subway interface will be connected to the TE tool interface to make this new functionality accessible to current DNA Subway users.  Teaching materials and new-researcher tutorials will be developed for workshops in Q3 and Q4 2011.


New example datasets (with suitable default parameters), post-processing for teaching (plots, analysis of variance), visualization of the ancestral state (from CACE and DACE tools) using the iPlant tree viewer, iPlant Big Tree available as a data source, integration with the DNA Subway GUI, development of teaching materials and scientific and technical materials for new research users.


Critical steps. Refer to project description and deliverables.





Collection of example datasets to be released with DE 0.4



Dataset collection

R XY plotting




Plotting trees with data








Team members (if applicable)




Naim Matasci


Cornell Ghiban



Jason Williams







Links to the discussions that led to the project

Required to track progress and individual tasks

Dependencies/Related projects

This will require the DataMatch TE project, the iPlant Tree Viewer, DE support, and DNA Subway technical support