


Joe Felsenstein, Brian O'Meara, Natalie Henriques, Jeremy Beaulieu, Nicole Hopkins, Michael Gonzales, David Ackerly, Liya Wang


February 8, 2010 Meeting Agenda

1. Prototype of PIC (probably just what will be implemented)
2. Prototype of Discovery Environment demo to the group by Liya Wang
3. Comments and Discussion (especially Brian's comments)
4. Updates about Ancestral State Reconstruction


The demo took longer than expected as various questions are raised during the demo. Item 1, 3, 4 are not discussed.

The group realized that this is not a working demo. The reconcilation step is not actually functioning.

Brian promised to send (and has sent) David the example output file for PIC.

David suggested DE should be able to handle new excel file (.csv) and mentioned the importance for handling multiple trees.

After meeting, David sugested adding assumption testing to the reconcilation step and Joe pointed out that Contrast program has calculated the needed elongation factor though not printed out.