


  • Update from Adam and Karen re:DE integration
  • Interface for standalone version


  • DE integration
    • Adam met with Andy Muir and other yesterday to talk about DE integration
    • viz cannot hold whole tree in browser and relies on interaction with underlying database to send tree in chunks
    • DE does not currently have a database for trees in its data model (plan is to only store files, not data)
    • Future plans include multiple representations / views of a single files, but this will be in place no earlier than the fall
  • Timeline
    • need iPTOL tools integrated for the EOT workshops, also want to publish viewer at some point
    • first workshop is early July at BSA, but unclear what is on agenda and whether iPTOL will figure prominently
    • likely that we will need some version of integrated viewer before the DE is ready for full integration
  • Short-term integration
    • can we call the standalone version from the DE in a way that seems relatively seamless for the user?
  • Viz development still required
    • lots of open JIRA tickets, many for trait evolution
    • need to make sure these are still a priority, and if so, get them done before the workshops
    • TE use cases are a priority for the integrated viewer
  • Subcontracts
    • Kris has no time allocation to iPlant due to lack of subcontract
    • NSF and U of A approval in place
    • KC to submit new budgets and statements of work for Field Museum and NESCent subcontracts