
A summary of the NESCent Visit, Week of Feb. 9, 2010

Tuesday, Feb. 9

Sheldon McKay, Andrew Lenards

Attended the NESCent Informatics group's meeting. The presentation was by Ryan Scherle on a project called Hive. The project is looking to aide curators, librarians, and the ilk with regard to using portions of controlled vocabularies to annotate and classify data in repositories. This project will be used in conjunction with the Dryad project.

Sheldon McKay, Andrew Lenards

Joined in on the Tree Visualization working group call to provide information about the visualization requirements coming out of the Tree Reconciliation working group (re: the Monday, Feb. 8 meeting).

Todd Vision, Andrew Lenards

Andrew's domain knowledge has still been at level that is not sufficient to fully understand the needs, activities, and users doing research in and utilizing Tree Reconciliation. Todd reviewed his presentation slides from July 2009 and covered the background material needed to understand the concepts for Andrew.

reference: slides

Todd Vision, Sheldon McKay, Andrew Lenards

Review the general workflow developed by Andrew Lenards and Nicole Hopkins and determine the entry points of the prototype. This helps Sheldon & Andrew understand what needs to be in place for the prototype (primarily the need for a gene catalog and the pre-computation of gene trees via the pipeline being developed).

It is the opinion of Andrew that the "pre-processing" workflow roughly corresponds to Use Case #1 for the in-scope use cases. The discussion below related to this use case.

Workflow discussion continues on this page.

Wednesday, Feb. 10

Todd Vision, Andrew Lenards

Use case discussion for those use cases in-scope for Phase 1 prototype development.

Discussion continues on this page.

Andrew Lenards, Adam Kubach

Briefly WebEx to discuss the Tree Visualization prototype and some user interface issues that Andrew ran into. The issue was related to an exceedingly long taxon label and the prototype not being maximized. Feedback from Todd was also provided to Adam via email and briefly discussed.

Thursday, Feb. 11

Todd Vision, Andrew Lenards

User interface development for Phase 1 prototype. UI Mockup appear on this page.