

  • What is the status of making the GUI code available?
  • What OS license is the source code going to be released under?
  • Is it possible to migrate the existing codebase to GitHub to facilitate community involvement? It would be nice to have all of the components of the standalone application in a single location. It seems that the components of the standalone application are currently in at least three separate repositories:
    • tree_reconciliation (svn repository) 
      • This includes the SQL and Perl code to populate the database
    • IPlant-TreeRec-0.01 (git repository)
      • This is where the Perl API lives
    • GUI components (??)
  • Jamie is offering to be a mentor to help extend TR through student participation in the 2011 PhyloSOC Google Summer of Code project. ( projects) This is sponsored by NESCent and the specific info for a potential TR project is at We currently just have a placeholder there, I'd like feedback on what useful additions to TR could be accomplished by a student coder working 20-40 hours a week over the summer (~ 10 weeks). I'd also appreciate volunteers to serve as co-mentors if possible.