Meeting notes
- TNRS update given
- Discussion of Tree Reconciliation : also use of Trinity. Link here for information about blacklight: http://trinity-use-on-blacklight-psc.wikispaces.com/Trinity+Usage+on+Blacklight
- Discussion of Big Tree/Perpetual Tree.
- Discussion of Trait Evo group: R optimization packages and work. Have list of optimization routines now. Have statistics student working on documenting issues. Have done this for Geiger.
- Tree Viz: paper underway. Need to get working prototype together. Recommendation of what is missing for publication-outcome of meeting of all of iPToL stakeholders. Karen and Naim to coordinate this.
- Put together all docs for all tools in DE. Extensive testing being done.
- Building tutorials for Phylogenetics workflows. Will also be filming Pam and Doug at NESCent workshop. Pam and Doug to investigate feasibility of webcasting some of this workshop as well. LOTS of interest in this. May want to consider a repeat in the Spring if we can't manage it for this workshop.
- Nicole to attach list of participants to date for NESCent workshop. Would like for the list to be able to go above 25 in case of no-shows. For hands on, it might be challenging to have more than 25.