kurie issues: https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?sorter/field=priority&sorter/order=DESC
- The TR incubator project wrapped up last Friday (or, more precisely, it has switched to maintenance mode). Adam is mostly done with this project and should be transitioning back to TreeViz. Adam still needs some time for documentation, and Naim indicated that some re-design may be necessary in the near future when the size of the phylogenies increases.
- Kris has updated and prioritized tickets in JIRA, including those for exporting trees as svg and other formats.
- TreeViz (and iPlant in general) should think about participation in this summer's iEvoBio conference
Action items
- Karen will send link for TR project to TreeViz group for evaluation
- Karen will send link for Visbi conference
- Adam, Kris and Karen will work on abstract and poster for Visbi