Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
A. Build a social network site to develop communication among scientists
B. The network will be constructed with the phylogeny of green plants as its basis. Initially, a selected group of clades will be identified (this may be subdivided ever more finely as demand increases). An individual can register at any node (or more than one node) and be able to participate in social interactions and have access to information sources that are within the clade for which one is registered.
C. Register and subscribe to any point in the tree., by default will not be added to sub-children, will be added if interested. Also have an option to choose all interested.
D. The system should be constructed so that new nodes can be entered, either at tips or along internal branches without having to rewire the entire network. In many social networking sites, users may define groups to which they belong. Ideally, this could be set up so that a group of users can define a "clade" and the hierarchy will fill out according to interest of users.
E. An underlying content management system (CMS) that permits individuals to register and provide information about themselves and their taxonomic interests in a simple web page format (from which them may make links to more detailed pages of their own design) will simplify individual registration. This CMS also could be a database for phylogenetically structured data/information.
F. Add text, image, docs and links to each clade group.
G. Have a one page picture viewer of all the phylo tree.
H. Ability to have a workflow for approval/removal/reshuffle of clades/nodes etc. Have a committee to approve/deny requests
I. Get regular updates to all subscriptions
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