Technical Req_Implementation Details
Technical Req Implementation Details
1. Details
A. Drupal has been chosen to implement the social networking part;
B. Then use module called organic groups and node hierarchy, the former which allows users to create groups and later provides hierarchy to all elements in Drupal.
C. Build a module 'TreeGroups' which combines both the organic groups and node hierarchy to create a hierarchical group structure which will be the phylogenetic tree which is desired.
D. Build a sub module 'Tree Browsers' to show the group hierarchy visually.
E. Each group is a clade/node/child
F. Users can register at the site and subscribe to groups
2. Participation Modes - Each user interacting with a group will belong to one of the following mode
i. Anonymous
-Read only access
-no login required
-Default mode
-Access to view (readonly) all public information, group posts/info/media.
ii. Observer
-User will be logged in
-Read only
-Access to view (readonly) all public information, group posts/info/media.
-Can subscribe to Notification Events 3.i , 3.v
iii. Active
-User will be logged in
-Read/write to post in group
-Read/write/edit/remove own posts
-Access to view (readonly) all public information, group posts/info/media.
-Can add info& media to group
-Can subscribe to Notification Events 3.i , 3.ii , 3.iii , 3.v
iv. Admin group/clade
-User will be logged in
-Read/write/edit/remove posts in group
-Read/write/edit/remove own posts
-Can subscribe to all Notification Events
-Can add/edit/remove info & media to group
-Can add/edit/remove members - members management in the group/clade
-Can add/edit/remove requests to add/remove/edit sub clades - workflow management in the group/clade
v. Admin site
-God mode user can do everything
3. Notification Events - these are the different events which the user can subscribe to
i. Changes to tree structure. add/remove/shuffle children
ii. Posts in groups subscribed to
iii. Document/Image/text (Any group/clade information) edits
iv. Groups member changes
v. Content changes ; periodic (e.x weekly) summary of group/clade
4. Notification Types - the user will have an option to choose the type of notification they want to choose
i. RSS
ii. Email
5. Subscription options - each user will be presented these options when they are subscribing to any group/clade/subgroup.
i. Only groups
ii. Group wide (this group and al children)
iii. Choose subset
6. Version 2 Enhancements:
1. Notification Events
i . Comments on posts and comments
2. Notification Types
i. My Homepage