Teleconference January 26, 2010 11:00 AM CST
Action items
- ACTION: Members of this group should brainstorm specific ideas about programmers or other faculty collaborators they know of and send those ideas to Karen or Mike S.
- ACTION: Karen and Mike will work on a high level agenda and a list of attendees
- Face-to-face meeting in February.
- Review of prototype. Adam posted a revised prototype. Comments?
1. Discuss goals of the meeting- here are some candidate suggestions:
Enabling current and future science
Capture scientists' current and future needs by hearing from practitioners
Introduce G2P Workflow analysis as a method for capturing their processes
Focus on Phylogenetic and Gene Trees
The important role of metadata and how to visualize it
Solicit feedback on Adam's tree visualization tool
2. Decide on Attendees
3. Discuss the Schedule
4. Brainstorm on Ideas for Break-out sessions
5. Brainstorm on resulting action items and deliverables
Face-to-face meeting ideas (from discussions between Bernice and Karen)
Tho goal would be to understand what scientists want to do now, what they want to do in the future, and where the technology limits them. We plan to focus on the visualization and visual analytics technology associated both with phylogenetic trees and gene trees. And we want the science community to drive our agenda.
Starting list of attendees, in addition to the core group:
Brian O'Meara-lead on trait
Bill Peal- lead on interoperability and tree viz
David Hills- phylogenetics tree comparisons
Tamar Munzer- visualization expert
Mark Westneat-
Amy Becker- UI interface
Draft agenda:
Day 1 Morning: Scientists discuss the challenges they face, and what works and what doesn't work, visually and analytically. Short report on G2P workflow analysis work, which may be useful for capturing the scientific processes and challenges faced by scientists in a way that helps direct our work.
Day 1 Afternoon: Phylogenetic Tree Discussion, including a demonstration of Adams' prototype and exploration of future work, including metadata visualization.
Day 2 Morning: Gene Tree Discussion
Day 2 Afternoon: Break out groups and action items