


  • My-Plant updates


  • The backend that runs the whole Clade structure and the supporting modules is completely different and wholly revamped. You (hopefully) will notice that the site seems 'snappier' and more responsive, but other than that you can't see much different. It is this work that will allow better support for cross-cutting groups and such.
  • Inline commenting – The feeds now display and allow commenting inline; you no longer have to click to go to a separate page to view comments or make a comment.
  • Highlighting clade managers and showing multiple managers – the Clade home page and the Clade listing (My Clades) now shows all managers if there are multiple, and they are featured a little more prominently with their avatar picture.  We also indicate which Clade you manage in the My Clades lists (with a little star, but that can change to some other icon).
  • Unified post forms – before there were several kinds of posts: posts, images, files, forums, etc.  This was confusing and kind of a deterrent to getting folks to post material.  So we've rolled everything into a single form, which you can see on Clade pages at the right, "Write a post".  On this form you have the ability to attach an image, or a file (not working yet) in the post.  This makes it really easy to put images in your posts, and the images appear both in the post and in the gallery automatically.
  • There is still some work to do on this and the dev server has some bugs on it right now.  We hope to have all of those ironed out in the next 2-4 weeks and up on the dev server.  This is a pretty major upgrade (compared to previous updates) and so we're going to want to make sure we test this thoroughly.