


  1. Developer updates - Kris, Adam
  2. Discussion on interface development
    1. basic view features (within-group development)
    2. requests from other groups (need to connect with Core, other WGs)
    3. project tracking in Jira
  3. IEEE Vis Week Bioinformatics Panel and Birds of a Feather
  4. Other items?


Attendees: Attendees: Karen Cranston, Adam Kubach, Bernice Rogowitz, Naim Matasci, Eric Lyons, Kris Urie, Michael Gonzales, Natalie Henriques

Action Items:
  1. Naim will present to the TV group the ideas and requirements from the other groups. He will email the information before our next call so that it can be reviewed and discussed.
  2. Core Software – the group needs to begin interacting with the CS group. Naim will assist in connecting Sonya with the group.
  3. We need to update the current Jira project site and clean up any open items. https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/jira/browse/BTV
  4. Michael will work on providing more structure to the group. He will work with Sheldon on setting up strong project management for the group moving forward.