- General updates
- Developer updates/issues
- Discuss ideas for site updates and revisions
- Cross-networking other social networks
- inline comments
- literature feed
- community section, RSS feeds from plant society websites, job listings
- webinar for evangelizing My-Plant?
- open discussion
- ACTION ITEM: Matthew will send final copy of the My-Plant.org paper that will be presented at SC10 and will be published in the IEEE preceedings of the workshop.
- Clade Approval – Brent, Pam, Rick and Dick now have clade review authorization permission. A new tab “Actions” has been added for final approval and to close voting. The tech team will then receive notification to add to the tree.
- Discussions on how to notify the submitter when request is approved or not approved. Should a “reason why” tab be added for non approval? Should a person on the team reach out personally to the submitter?
- Share button has been added to the site to share content on other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The share button allows sharing to hundreds of sites but we will look at pruning it to a few.
- Comments – look at how comments are added and viewed. Preference is to have comments in stream, no new page opening to add a comment. Look into the ability to expand or collapse comments based on user preference.
- RSS feed on the homepage pulling information from various sites, Plant Taxonomist, BSA, ASPB.
- Add a new Community page – this page would pull information from other sites, science, nature news, jobs postings. List of journal sites to pull information from.
- Suggested changes to the site:
- News and Announcement – will be my-plant specific
- About – move to the footer or combine with help. It was suggested that since we are a new site it would be better to have the About page readily available for people who are not familiar with the site. It might be possible to have it prominent on the non-member page view and less so once the person has joined
- Resource materials/interests that cuts across, cross cutting interest in other groups eg. Genomics
- Webinar – would a My-Plant.org webinar be useful? Matt Hanlon could give a seminar, where folks would log in and Matt would present an overview of the site and showcase its features.
- Clade Managers – how to we get them to become more active? The team should try to encourage activity in existing clades before adding new ones. It would be best to have more than one clade manager. Have the grad students populate and add content to dormant clades.
- Users – we have 216 users. Please encourage students and colleagues to post on the site.
Other ideas – have an image of the week contest where members have to vote on it. Please send all ideas to the group.