List of critical taxa for which substantial amounts of important data are missing.
The criterion for inclusion below is that these are members of small clades about which little is known and which are in a critical position when it comes to ancestral character state reconstruction. The list does not pretend to be exhaustive. The primary literature should be consulted to see exactly what is known about the individual taxa on the list… More taxa, especially in Geraniales, Icacinaceae, Irvingiaceae, Peraceae, etc., could well be included, and just about all the holoparasitic taxa need detailed developmental and embryological data. But there are gaps everywhere, and this includes for Amborella. And I think I may have persuaded a student to work on Fusispermum and Muntingiaceae…
Abrophyllum – Rousseaceae – one of four genera in family.
Aethionema, sister to all other Brassicaceae.
Achatocarpus - Achatocarpus, only genus in Achatocarpaceae, sister to Amaranthaceae s.l., Caryophyllales
Aextoxicon, only genus in Aextoxicaceae – one of two families in order
Aphloia, only genus of Aphloiaceae, Crossosomatales.
Alvaradoa, one genus of two in Picramniaceae, along spine of malvids.
Anthodiscus, one genus of two in Caryocaraceae, unplaced in Malpighiales.
Apodytes, near Icacinaceae.
Asteropeia, only genus in Asteropeiaceae, one family of two in clade on spine below core Caryophyllales.
Baxteria, one genus of four in poorly known Dasypogonaceae.
Berberidopsis – Berberidosidaceae – one genus of two in family, one family of two in order.
Bhesa, one genus of two in Centroplaceae, isolated clade in Malpighiales.
Bretschneidera, only genus in Bretschneideraceae, sister to all other Sapindales.
Carpodetus - Rousseaceae – one of four genera in family.
Carlemannia, one of two genera of Carlemanniaceae, small clade perhaps near Oleaceae.
Caryocar, one genus of two in Caryocaraceae, unplaced in Malpighiales.
Cassinopsis- near Icacinaceae.
Centroplacus, one genus of two in Centroplaceae, isolated clade in Malpighiales.
Codon, odd genus in Boraginaceae s.l.
Corbichonia, one of two genera in Lophiocarpaceae, clade along spine of core Caryophyllales.
Corymbium – Astereaceae - sister to Asteroideae
Ctenolophon, only genus in Ctenolophonaceae, unplaced clade in Malpighiales.
Cuttsia – Rousseaceae - one of four genera in family
Cyphia – Campanulaceae – “basal” or near in the clade
Cyphocarpus – Campanulaceae – “basal” or near in the clade
Dicraspidia, one genus of three in Muntingiaceae, Malvales.
Dipentodon, one of two genera in Dipentodontaceae, in poorly known Huerteales.
Duparquetia, single genus in a nearbasal clade in Fabaceae.
Emblingia, only genus in Emblingiaceae, spine of core Brassicales.
Emmotum - near Icacinaceae.
Euphronia, only genus in Euphroniaceae, Malpighiales.
Ficalhoa, one of two genera in Sladeniaceae, sister to Pentaphylacaceae.
Foetidia, only genus in Foetidioidae, sister to Planchonioidae, Lecythidaceae.
Fusisperum – Violaceae – sister to all other family.
Geissoloma, only genus of Geissolomataceae, Crossosomatales.
Gerrardina, only genus in Gerrardinaceae, in poorly known Huerteales.
Giseckia, only genus in Giseckiaceae, core Caryophyllales.
Goupia, only genus in Goupiaceae, within the Violaceae area of Malpighiales.
Grielium, one of three genera in Neuradaceae, perhaps sister to all other Malvales.
Guaduella, one of two genera in Puelioideae, critical clade along spine of Poaceae.
Guamatela, only genus of Guamatelaceae, Crossosomatales.
Hua, only genus in Huaceae, perhaps sister to rest of Oxalidales.
Huertea, one of two genera in Tapisciaceae, in poorly known Huerteales.
Humbertia - Convolvulaceae – sister to the rest of the family.
Kingia, one genus of four in poorly known Dasypogonaceae.
Lacistemon, one genus of two in Lacistemataceae, in Violaceae area of Malpighiales.
Lepidobotrys, one of two genera in Lepidobotryaceae, sister to Celastraceae in Celastrales.
Leptaspis, one of three genera in Pharoideae, along spine of Poaceae.
Limeum, one of two genera in Limeaceae, clade along spine of core Caryophyllales.
Lophiocarpum, one of two genera in Lophiocarpaceae, clade along spine of core Caryophyllales.
Lophopyxis only genus in Lophopyxidaceae, sister to Putranjivaceae, small unplaced clade in Malpighiales.
Lozania, one genus of two in Lacistemataceae, in Violaceae area of Malpighiales
Lundellia, one of three critical genera in Surianaceae (Fabales).
Medusandra, one of four genera of Peridiscaceae, sister to all other Saxifragales.
Macarthuria, one of two genera in Limeaceae,