Action Items
Meeting Notes
1. Brief discussion on DE testing
2. Breif discussion on setting up meetings to bring together different work groups and talk about action plans before the IPLANT 2010 conference in May.
3. Data assembly workflow discussion:
- part of the work flow is similar to that of TR workflow, we should combine the effort to develop one workflow that can be used by different analylsis.
- the workflow should work on both genbank sequences and 1KP data
- the multiple sequence alignments (MSA) of ortholog sets could be build from different methods, using different datasets, composed of different species. They would be merged into gapped superMatrix before feeding into RaxML. What we want to store is these small MSAs instead of the superMatrix, as this would give us flexibility and easy manipulation, we could choose which MSAs to include in the superTree building and do it iteratively to refine and tune the big tree building.
4. myPlant demo tomorrow April 23.