Status of John Kerry's work producing trees from 1kp data. -- Jim
John Kerry is working on test dataset building TreeBest reconciliations. Jamie to check back with him.
Goal to replace Bowers data with John Kerry's in database in ~ 2 weeks.
Status of Ray looking into GUI changes to support multiple reconciliations. -- Naim
Ray has looked over the suggested changes that Jamie made in on the wiki and agrees that it is a good plan for moving forward
From Ray (email to Jamie on March 12th)--Â This week i will give a review to the code, then i'm out two days and plan to start work next week with implementing each of the changes and then connect this when the services are available.
Changes need to be shown to the group incrementally. May 1st, hard deadline (1kp submission, necessary).
Minimum: retrieving gene family data, reconciliations, trees. Ideally: reconciliation visualization.
Data Availability
Data to be available via Dryad AND iPlant data store.
Reconciliations can be stored in XML, but there are no tools to consume. Minimum: include PrimeGSR format, and DB dump.