Day 1, November 21, 2009
Steve Goff Intro to iPlant: what iPlant is, what its mission is, what it wont and will do, two GC teams and 11 WGs, additional efforts such as Image analysis, Semantic web, APWeb2 (angiosperm phylogeny), Taxonomic intelligence.
How do the two GC teams interact? So far not much interaction, but with cross-cutting WGs like Data Integration and Visualization, need to explore opportunities to synergize.
Mike Sanderson /Brian O'Meara /Todd Vision /Bill Piel Intro to iPTOL project; additional activities through APWeb, Ninja, 1kp project. Resources include postdocs; Tree visualization most recent WG to get going; Trait Evolution group – once we have a tree of life, can we use it? Tree reconciliation – goal is to add value to the species tree through inference of gene duplication and loss, deep coalescence, and lateral gene transfer events on plant gene trees; Data Integration – taxonom