

Action Items

  • Adam can begin working on a prototype for the meeting.
  • Karen to send a survey to other groups to find out what they are using, what they want, and work in cooperation with the other working groups.


  • Review action items from previous meeting
  • Updates on the use cases: Mike and I put together two use cases a few weeks ago at https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/Use+Cases . Adam has been working on this and he and Mike spoke last week. Questions or updates?
  • Workflows: Last week, Bernice sent around a powerpoint presentation about workflows, mostly coming from discussions with the G2P PIs. How do these ideas transfer to ipTOL (and treeviz specifically)?
  • Begin planning for Tree Viz workshop: possible dates, location, agenda, goals.
  • Open discussion


Attendees: Karen Cranston , Michael Gonzales, Adam Kubach, Bernice Rogowitz, Nirav Merchant, Natalie Henriques

  • Two use cases were posted on the wiki - UC#1 Large Trees, UC#2 Tree Comparisons https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/Use+Cases
  • Adam sent screen shots of the prototype he has been working on, it shows: (click ADD in top right hand corner, click attachment to see prototype)
    1. Representing a clade as a box (or other representation). As the user zooms in, the children of the node are shown. The children may be drawn as a box, or when the user is close, all
    the leave nodes are shown.
    2. Multiple views. In the screen shots, there is a purple box that shows an overview of the tree. The red dot is where the camera is currently located. Mike and I also talked about a
    view that trails the camera, so that the user can see the larger area around where the camera is currently located.
    With this prototype, I've been able to load and navigate around the 50K leaf node test tree that is on the wiki.
  • Discussion of the prototype:
    o Brainstorm how to make better use of the empty space
    o Dynamic linking and brushing – identify interest in one visual presentation and the corresponding data is automatically highlighted
    o Dendroscope
    o Build workflows of common analysis and make part of a library
    o Use Case #1 will be difficult to develop as there is no tool at this time to provide all the capabilities requested
    o GL based scalable treeviz approach, borrow pieces from other places wrap them and integrate them.
    o Think about how we do the process. What is the mechanism of how we move forward from use case to prototype to next step?
  • We cannot solve all the problems at once, focus on issues to resolve in the short term. Scientific leads should start making the call and establishing the issues so we don’t spend too long on one item.
  • ACTION: Karen should define what we are trying to accomplish and focus our efforts
  • ACTION: Karen and Mike should get as much information to Bernice and Adam. Karen will send a spreadsheet listing to Adam.
  • Use the wiki to provide pointers and comments. Comments can be made on the TV developer notes page https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/TV_Developer+Notes
  • ACTION: Bernice requested that Karen provide her with a chart with columns that provide an overview.


  • ACTION: Karen will send Michael possible dates for a two-day workshop in late January early February 2010. Karen will develop the agenda and Michael will work on the tactical items

Next Meeting

  • The next meeting will be on January 12, 2010. We will have webex activated for the call to be able to demo programs.