


  • Recap: My-Plant.org release
    • feedback from ASPB/BSA
  • Discussion of next steps
    • near term FR/fixes/improvements
    • additional marketing/advertising
    • plan for continued content creation
  • Longer term plans
  • Open discussion


  • My-Plant.org release was a success, positive feedback at both conferences with new users signing up.
  • Discussed putting together formal bylaws for the the site and further enhancing of the Admin page (who will have access? who will approve new clades? process for approval?)
  • Developers should review email from Brent discussing adding "daughter clades" box to the clade suggestion web form.
  • Work with iPlant IT to make the registration page simpler and more inviting for potential users.
  • Put issues in Jira so they can be addressed promptly. Jira instructions and link https://pods.iplantcollaborative.org/wiki/display/iptol/My-Plant+JIRA